Channel: LLVM Project Blog

Some news about apt.llvm.org

apt.llvm.org provides Debian and Ubuntu repositories for every maintained version of these distributions. LLVM, Clang, clang extra tools, compiler-rt, polly, LLDB and LLD packages are generated for the stable, stabilization and development branches.

As it seems that we have more and more users of these packages, I would like to share an update about various recent changes.

New features

First, the cool new stuff : lld is now proposed and built for i386/amd64 on all Debian and Ubuntu supported versions. The test suite is also executed and the coverage results are great.

Then, following the branching for the 4.0 release, I created new repositories to propose this release.
For example, for Debian stable, just add the following in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/llvm.list

deb http://apt.llvm.org/jessie/ llvm-toolchain-jessie-4.0 main
  deb-src http://apt.llvm.org/jessie/ llvm-toolchain-jessie main

Obviously, the trunk is now 5.0. If llvm-defaults is used, clang, lldb and other meta packages will be automatically updated to this version.
As a consequence and also because the branches are dead, 3.7 and 3.8 jobs have been disabled. Please note that both repositories are still available on apt.llvm.org and won't be removed.

Zesty: New Ubuntu
Packages for the next Ubuntu 17.04 (zesty) are also generated for 3.9, 4.0 and 5.0.

It has been implemented a few months ago but not clearly communicated. libfuzzer has also its own packages: libfuzzer-X.Y-dev (example: libfuzzer-3.9-dev,libfuzzer-4.0-dev or libfuzzer-5.0-dev).

Changes in the infrastructure

In order to support the load, I started to use new blades that Google (thanks again to Nick Lewycky) sponsored for an initiative that I was running for Debian and IRILL. The 6 new blades removed all the wait time. With a new salt configuration, I automated the deployment of the slaves. In case the load increases again, we will have access to more blades.

I also took the time to fix some long ongoing issues:
  • all repositories are signed and verified that they are    
  • i386 and amd64 packages are now uploaded at once instead of being uploaded separately. This was causing checksum error when one of the two architectures built correctly and the second was failing (ex: test failing)
Last but not least, the code coverage results are produced in a more reliable manner.

More information about the implementation and services.

As what is shipped on apt.llvm.org is exactly the same as in Debian and Ubuntu, packaging files are stored on the Debian subversion server.

A Jenkins instance is in charge of the orchestration of the whole build infrastructure.

The trunk packages are built twice a day for every Debian and Ubuntu packages. Branches (3.9 and 4.0 currently) are rebuilt only when the - trigger job found a change.

In both case, the Jenkins source job will checkout the Debian SVN branches for their version, checkout/update LLVM/clang/etc repositories and repack everything to create the source tarballs and Debian files (dsc, etc).The completion of job will trigger the binaries job to start. These jobs, thanks to Debian Jenkins glue will create or update Debian/Ubuntu versions.

Then builds are done the usual way through pbuilder for both i386 and amd64. All the test suites are going to be executed. If any LLVM test is failing on i386 or amd64, the whole build will fail. If both builds and the LLVM testsuite are successful, the sync job will start and rsync packages to the LLVM server to be replicated on the CDN. If one or both builds fail, a notification is sent to the administrator.

Some Debian static analysis (lintian) are executed on the packages to prevent some packaging errors. From time to time, some interesting issues are found.

In parallel, some binary builds have some special hooks like Coverity, code coverage or installation of more recent versions of gcc for Ubuntu precise.

Report bugs

Bugs can be reported on the bugzilla of the LLVM project in the product "Packaging" and the component "deb packages".

Common issues

Because packaging quickly moving projects like LLVM or clang, in some cases, this can be challenging to follow the rhythm in particular with regard to tests. For Debian unstable or the latest version of Ubuntu, the matrix is complexified by new versions of the basic pieces of the operating system like gcc/g++ or libtstdc++.

This is also not uncommon that some tests are being ignored in the process.

How to help

Some new comers bugs are available. As an example:
Related to all this, a Google Summer of Code 2017 under the LLVM umbrella has been proposed: Integrate libc++ and OpenMP in apt.llvm.org

Help is also needed to keep track of the new test failures and get them fixed upstream. For example, a few tests have been marked as expected to fail to avoid crashes.

Devirtualization in LLVM and Clang

This blog post is part of a series of blog posts from students who were funded by the LLVM Foundation to attend the 2016 LLVM Developers' Meeting in San Jose, CA. Please visit the LLVM Foundation's webpage for more information on our Travel Grants program. 

This post is from Piotr Padlewski on his work that he presented at the meeting:

This blogpost will show how C++ devirtualization is performed in current (4.0) clang and LLVM and also ongoing work on -fstrict-vtable-pointers features.

Devirtualization done by the frontend

In order to transform a virtual call into a direct call, the frontend must be sure that there are no overrides of vfunction in the program or know the dynamic type of object. Compilation proceeds one translation unit at a time, so, barring LTO, there are only a few cases when the compiler may conclude that there are no overrides:

  • either the class or virtual method is marked as final
  • the class is defined in an anonymous namespace and has no deriving classes in its translation unit

The latter is more tricky for clang, which translates the source code in chunks on the fly (see: ASTProducer and ASTConsumer), so is not able to determine if there are any deriving classes later in the source. This could be dealt with in a couple of ways:
  • give up immediate generation
  • run data flow analysis in LLVM to find all the dynamic types passed to function, which has static linkage
  • hope that every use of the virtual function, which is necessarily in the same translation unit, will be inlined by LLVM -- static linkage increases the chances of inlining

Store to load propagation in LLVM

In order to devirtualize a virtual call we need:
  • value of vptr - which virtual table is pointed by it
  • value of vtable slot - which exact virtual function it is

Because vtables are constant, the latter value is much easier to get when we have the value of vptr. The only thing we need is vtable definition, which can be achieved by using available_externally linkage.

In order to figure out the vptr value, we have to find the store to the same location that defines it. There are 2 analysis responsible for it:

  • MemDep (Memory Dependence Analysis) is a simple linear algorithm that for each quered instruction iterates through all instructions above and stops when first dependency is found. Because queries might be performed for each instruction we end up with a quadratic algorithm. Of course quadratic algorithms are not welcome in compilers, so MemDep can only check certain number of instructions.
  • Memory SSA on the other hand has constant complexity because of caching. To find out more, watch “Memory SSA in 5minutes” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdxWmryoHak). MemSSA is a pretty new analysis and it doesn’t have all the features MemDep has, therefore MemDep is still widely used.
The LLVM main pass that does store to load propagation is GVN - Global Value Numbering.

Finding vptr store

In order to figure out the vptr value, we need to see store from constructor. To not rely on constructor's availability or inlining, we decided to use the @llvm.assume intrinsic to indicate the value of vptr. Assume is akin to assert - optimizer seeing call to @llvm.assume(i1 %b) can assume that %b is true after it. We can indicate vptr value by comparing it with the vtable and then call the @llvm.assume with the result of this comparison.

call void @_ZN1AC1Ev(%struct.A* %a) ; call ctor
 %3 = load {...} %a                  ; Load vptr
 %4 = icmp eq %3, @_ZTV1A      ; compare vptr with vtable
 call void @llvm.assume(i1 %4)

Calling multiple virtual functions

A non-inlined virtual call will clobber the vptr. In other words, optimizer will have to assume that vfunction might change the vptr in passed object. This sounds like something that never happens because vptr is “const”. The truth is that it is actually weaker than C++ const member, because it changes multiple times during construction of an object (every base type constructor or destructor must set vptrs). But vptr can't be changed during a virtual call, right? Well, what about that?

void A::foo() { // virtual
static_assert(sizeof(A) == sizeof(Derived));
new(this) Derived;

This is call of placement new operator - it doesn’t allocate new memory, it just creates a new object in the provided location. So, by constructing a Derived object in the place where an object of type A was living, we change the vptr to point to Derived’s vtable. Is this code even legal? C++ Standard says yes.

However it turns out that if someone called foo 2 times (with the same object), the second call would be undefined behavior. Standard pretty much says that call or dereference of a pointer to an object whose lifetime has ended is UB, and because the standard agrees that nuking object from inside ends its lifetime, the second call is UB. Be aware that this is only because a zombie pointer is used for the second call. The pointer returned by placement new is considered alive, so performing calls on that pointer is valid. Note that we also silently used that fact with the use of assume.

(un)clobbering vptr

We need to somehow say that vptr is invariant during its lifetime. We decided to introduce a new metadata for that purpose - !invariant.group. The presence of the invariant.group metadata on the load/store tells the optimizer that every load and store to the same pointer operand within the same invariant group can be assumed to load or store the same value. With -fstrict-vtable-pointers Clang decorates vtable loads with invariant.group metadana coresponding to caller pointer type. 

We can enhance the load of virtual function (second load) by decorating it with !invariant.load, which is equivalent of saying “load from this location is always the same”, which is true because vtables never changes. This way we don’t rely on having the definition of vtable.

Call like:

void g(A *a) {

Will be translated to:

define void @function(%struct.A* %a) {
 %1 = load {...} %a, !invariant.group !0
 %2 = load {...} %1, !invariant.load !1
 call void %2(%struct.A* %a)

 %3 = load {...} %a, !invariant.group !0
 %4 = load {...} %4, !invariant.load !1
 call void %4(%struct.A* %a)
 ret void

!0 = !{!"_ZTS1A"} ; mangled type name of A
!1 = !{}

And now by magic of GVN and MemDep:

define void @function(%struct.A* %a) {
 %1 = load {...} %a, !invariant.group !0
 %2 = load {...} %1, !invariant.load !1
 call void %2(%struct.A* %a)
 call void %2(%struct.A* %a)
 ret void

With this, llvm-4.0 is be able to devirtualize function calls inside loops. 


In order to prevent the middle-end from finding load/store with the same !invariant.group metadata, that would come from construction/destruction of dead dynamic object, @llvm.invariant.group.barrier was introduced. It returns another pointer that aliases its argument but is considered different for the purposes of load/store invariant.group metadata. Optimizer won’t be able to figure out that returned pointer is the same because intrinsics don’t have a definition. Barrier must be inserted in all the places where the dynamic object changes:
  • constructors
  • destructors
  • placement new of dynamic object

Dealing with barriers

Barriers hinder some other optimizations. Some ideas how it could be fixed:

  • stripping invariant.group metadata and barriers just after devirtualization. Currently it is done before codegen. The problem is that most of the devirtualization comes from GVN, which also does most of the optimizations we would miss with barriers. GVN is expensive therefore it is run only once. It also might make less sense if we are in LTO mode, because that would limit the devirtualization in the link phase. 
  • teaching important passes to look through the barrier. This might be very tricky to preserve the semantics of barrier, but e.g. looking for dependency of load without invariant.group by jumping through the barrier to find a store without invariant.group, is likely to do the trick.
  • removing invariant.barrier when its argument comes from alloca and is never used etc.
To find out more details about devirtualization check my talk (http://llvm.org/devmtg/2016-11/#talk6) from LLVM Dev Meeting 2016.

About author

Undergraduate student at University of Warsaw, currently working on C++ static analysis in IIIT.

LLVM on Windows now supports PDB Debug Info

For several years, we’ve been hard at work on making clang a world class toolchain for developing software on Windows.  We’ve written about this several times in the past, and we’ve had full ABI compatibility (minus bugs) for some time. One area that been notoriously hard to achieve compatibility on has been debug information, but over the past 2 years we’ve made significant leaps.  If you just want the TL;DR, then here you go: If you’re using clang on Windows, you can now get PDB debug information!

Background: CodeView vs. PDB
CodeView is a debug information format invented by Microsoft in the mid 1980s. For various reasons, other debuggers developed an independent format called DWARF, which eventually became standardized and is now widely supported by many compilers and programming languages.  CodeView, like DWARF, defines a set of records that describe mappings between source lines and code addresses, as well as types and symbols that your program uses.  The debugger then uses this information to let you set breakpoints by function name, display the value of a variable, etc.  But CodeView is only somewhat documented, with the most recent official documentation being at least 20 years old.  While some records still have the format documented above, others have evolved, and entirely new records have been introduced that are not documented anywhere.

It’s important to understand though that CodeView is just a collection of records.  What happens when the user says “show me the value of Foo”?  The debugger has to find the record that describes Foo.  And now things start getting complicated.  What optimizations are enabled?  What version of the compiler was used?  (These could be important if there are certain ABI incompatibilities between different versions of the compiler, or as a hint when trying to reconstruct a backtrace in heavily optimized code, or if the stack has been smashed).  There are a billion other symbols in the program, how can we find the one named Foo without doing an exhaustive O(n) search?  How can we support incremental linking so that it doesn’t take a long time to re-generate debug info when only a small amount of code has actually changed?  How can we save space by de-duplicating strings that are used repeatedly?  Enter PDB.

PDB (Program Database) is, as you might have guessed from the name, a database.  It contains CodeView but it also contains many other things that allow indexing of the CodeView records in various ways.  This allows for fast lookups of types and symbols by name or address, the philosophical equivalent of “tables” for individual input files, and various other things that are mostly invisible to you as a user but largely responsible for making the debugging experience on Windows so great.  But there’s a problem: While CodeView is at least kind-of documented, PDB is completely undocumented.  And it’s highly non-trivial.

We’re Stuck (Or Are We?)
Several years ago, we decided that the path forward was to abandon any hope of emitting CodeView and PDB, and instead focus on two things:
  1. Make clang-cl emit DWARF debug information on Windows
  2. Port LLDB to Windows and teach it about the Windows ABI, which would be significantly easier than teaching Visual Studio and/or WinDbg to be able to interpret DWARF (assuming this is even possible at all, given that everything would have to be done strictly through the Visual Studio / WinDbg extensibility model)
In fact, I even wrote another blog post about this very topic a little over 2 years ago.  So I got it to work, and I eventually got parts of LLDB working on Windows for simple debugging scenarios.

Unfortunately, it was beginning to become clear that we really needed PDB.  Our goal has always been to create as little friction as possible for developers who are embedded in the Windows ecosystem.  Tools like Windows Performance Analyzer and vTune are very powerful and standard tools in engineers’ existing repertoires.  Organizations already have infrastructure in place to archive PDB files, and collect & analyze crash dumps.  Debugging with PDB is extremely responsive given that the debugger does not have to index symbols upon startup, since the indices are built into the file format.  And last but not least, tools such as WinDbg are already great for post-mortem debugging, and frankly many (perhaps even most) Windows developers will only give up the Visual Studio debugger when it is pried from their cold dead hands.

I got some odd stares (to put it lightly) when I suggested that we just ask Microsoft if they would help us out.  But ultimately we did, and… they agreed!  This came in the form of some code uploaded to the Microsoft Github repo which we were on our own to figure out.  Although they were only able to upload a subset of their PDB code (meaning we had to do a lot of guessing and exploration, and the code didn’t compile either since half of it was missing), it filled in enough blanks that we were able to do the rest.

After about a year and a half of studying this code, hacking away, studying the code some more, hacking away some more, etc, I’m proud to say that lld (the LLVM linker) can finally emit working PDBs.  All the basics like setting breakpoints by line, or by name, or viewing variables, or searching for symbols or types, everything works (minus bugs, of course).

For those of you who are interested in digging into the internals of a PDB, we also have been developing a tool for expressly this purpose.  It’s called llvm-pdbutil and is the spiritual counterpart to Microsoft’s own cvdump utility.  It can dump the internals of a PDB, convert a PDB to yaml and vice versa, find differences between two PDBs, and much more.  Brief documentation for llvm-pdbutil is here, and a detailed description of the PDB file format internals are here, consisting of everything we’ve learned over the past 2 years (still a work in progress, as I have to divide my time between writing the documentation and actually making PDBs work).

Bring on the Bugs!
So this is where you come in.  We’ve tested simple debugging scenarios with our PDBs, but we still consider this alpha in terms of debug info quality.  We’d love for you to try it out and report issues on our bug tracker.  To get you started, download the latest snapshot of clang for Windows.  Here are two simple ways to test out this new functionality:
  1. Have clang-cl invoke lld automatically
    1. clang-cl -fuse-ld=lld -Z7 -MTd hello.cpp
  2. Invoke clang-cl and lld separately.
    1. clang-cl -c -Z7 -MTd -o hello.obj hello.cpp
    2. lld-link -debug hello.obj
We look forward to the onslaught of bug reports!

We would like to extend a very sincere and deep thanks to Microsoft for their help in getting the code uploaded to the github repository, as we would never have gotten this far without it.

And to leave you with something to get you even more excited for the future, it's worth reiterating that all of this is done without a dependency on any windows specific api, dll, or library.  It's 100% portable.  Do I hear cross-compilation?

Zach Turner (on behalf of the the LLVM Windows Team)

2017 US LLVM Developers' Meeting Program

The LLVM Foundation is excited to announce the selected proposals for the 2017 US LLVM Developers' Meeting!





Lightning Talks:

Student Research Competition:


If you are interested in any of these talks, you should register to attend the 2017 US LLVM Developers' Meeting! Tickets are limited, so register now!

Clang ♥ bash -- better auto completion is coming to bash


Compilers are complex pieces of software and have a multitude of command-line options to fine tune parameters. Clang is no exception: it has 447 command-line options. It’s nearly impossible to memorize all these options and their correct spellings, that's where shell completion can be very handy. When you type in the first few characters of a flag and hit tab, it will autocomplete the rest for you.

However, such a autocompletion feature is not available yet, as there's no easy way to get a complete list of the options Clang supports. For example, bash doesn’t have any autocompletion support for Clang, and despite some shells like zsh having a script for command-line autocompletion, they use hard coded lists of command-line options, and are not automatically updated when a new option is added to Clang. These shells also can’t autocomplete arguments which some flags take (-std=[tab] for instance).

This is the problem we were working to solve during this year’s Google Summer of Code. We’re adding a feature to Clang so that we can implement a complete, exact command-line option completion which is highly portable for any shell. To start with, we'll provide a completion script for bash which uses this feature.

Clang now has a new command line option called --autocomplete. This flag receives the incomplete user input from the shell and then queries the internal data structures of the current Clang binary, and returns a list of possible completions. With this API, we can always get an accurate list of options and values any time, on any newer versions of Clang.

We built an autocompletion using this in bash for the first implementation. You can find its source code here. Also, here is the sample for Qt text entry autocompletion to give an example how to use this API from an UI application as seen below:


You can always complete one flag at a time. So if you want to use the API, you have to select the flag that the user is currently typing. Then just pass this flag to the --autocomplete flag in the selected clang binary. So in the case below all flags start with `-tr` are displayed with their descriptions behind them (separated from the flag with a tab character).
Screen Shot 2017-09-14 at 17.11.13.png
The API also supports completing the values of flags. If you have a flag for which value completion is supported, you can also provide an incomplete value behind the flag separated by a comma to get completion for this:
Screen Shot 2017-09-14 at 17.11.35.png
If you provide nothing after the comma, the list of the all possible values for this flag is displayed.
Screen Shot 2017-09-14 at 17.11.57.png

How to get it
This feature is available for use now with LLVM/clang 5.0 and we’ll also be adding this feature to the standard bash completion package. Make sure you have the latest clang version on your machine, and source this script. If want to make the change permanent, just source it from your .bashrc and enjoy typing your clang invocations!

Improving Link Time on Windows with clang-cl and lld

One of our goals in bringing clang and lld to Windows has always been to improve developer experience, and what is it that developers want the most?  Faster build times!  Recently, our focus has been on improving link time because it's the step that's the hardest to parallelize so we can't fall back on the time honored tradition of throwing more cores at it.

Of the various steps involved in linking, generating the debug info (which, on Windows, is a PDB file) is by far the slowest since it involves merging O(# of linker inputs) sequences of type records, most of which are duplicate anyway.  For example, if two cpp files both include <string>, then both of those object files will have hundreds of duplicate type records that need to be de-duplicated during the link step.  This means you have to compute O(M x N) hash values, even though only a small fraction of those ultimately contribute to the final PDB.

Several strategies have been invented to deal with this over the years and try to make linking faster.  Many years ago, Microsoft introduced the notion of a Type Server (enabled via /Zi compiler option in MSVC), which moves some of the work into the compiler (to take advantage of parallelism).  More recently we have been given the /DEBUG:FASTLINK linker option which attempts to solve the problem by not merging types at all in the linker.  However, each of these strategies has its own set of disadvantages, and neither can be considered perfect for all use cases.

In this blog post, we'll first go over some technical background about CodeView so that we can understand the problem, followed by a summary of existing attempts to speed up type merging.  Then, we'll describe a novel extension to the PE/COFF file format which speeds up linking by offloading part of the work required to de-duplicate types to the compiler and using a new algorithm which uniquely identifies type records even across input files, and discuss the various tradeoffs of each approach.  Finally, we'll present some benchmarks and discuss how you can try this out in clang-cl and lld today.


Consider a simple structure in C++, defined like this a header file:

     structNode {
       Node *Next = nullptr;
       Node *Prev = nullptr;
       int Value = 0;

Since each compilation happens independently of every other compilation, the compiler cannot assume any other translation unit will ever emit the records necessary to describe this type.  As a result, to guarantee that the type makes it into the final PDB, every compiler instance that encounters this definition must emit type information for this type.  So the record will be serialized by the compiler into a series of records that looks roughly like this:

0x1004 | LF_STRUCTURE [size = 40] `Node`
         unique name: `.?AUNode@@`
         vtable: <none>
         base list: <none>
         field list: <none>
         options: forward ref | has unique name
0x1005 | LF_POINTER [size = 12]
         referent = 0x1004
         mode = pointer
         opts = None
         kind = ptr32
0x1006 | LF_FIELDLIST [size = 52]
         - LF_MEMBER
           name = `Next`
           Type = 0x1005
           Offset = 0
           attrs = public
         - LF_MEMBER
           name = `Prev`
           Type = 0x1005
           Offset = 4
           attrs = public
         - LF_MEMBER
           name = `Value`
           Type = 0x0074 (int)
           Offset = 8
           attrs = public
0x1007 | LF_STRUCTURE [size = 40] `Node`
         unique name: `.?AUNode@@`
         vtable: <none>
         base list: <none>
         field list: 0x1006
         options: has unique name
The values on the left correspond to the types index in the type sequence and depend on what types have already been encountered, while other types can the refer to them (for example, referent = 0x1004) means that this record is a pointer to whatever the type at index 0x1004 was.

As a result of this design, another compilation unit which includes the same header file will need to emit this exact same type, with the only difference being the indices (since the other compilation may encounter other types before this one, causing the ordering to be different).

In short, type indices only make sense within the context of a single type sequence (i.e. compiland), but since the linker needs to see across all object files, it has to have some way of identifying whether a type from object file A is isomorphic to a different type from object file B, even if its type indices might be different numerically from any previously seen type. 

This algorithm, henceforth referred to as type merging, is the primary consumer of CPU cycles during linking (measured in LLD, and estimated in MSVC linker by comparing /DEBUG:FULL vs /DEBUG:FASTLINK times), and as such it is the portion of the linking process which this blog post presents a new solution to.

Existing Solutions

It’s worthwhile to discuss some of the existing attempts to reduce the cost associated with type merging so that we can compare and contrast their various pros and cons.

Type Servers (/Zi)

The /Zi compiler option was one of the first attempts to address type merging speed, and it dates back many years.  The idea behind type servers is to offload the work of de-duplication from the linking phase to the compilation phase.  Most build systems already support parallel compilation, and even if they don’t cl.exe supports it natively via the /MP compiler switch, so there is no roadblock to anyone taking advantage of parallel compilation. 

To implement type servers, each compilation process communicates via IPC with a single process (mspdbsrv.exe) whose job is to de-duplicate type records on the fly, and when a record is isomorphic to an existing record, the type server communicates back the previously saved index, and when it is new it sends back a new index.  This allows type deduplication to happen mostlyin parallel, but adding some overhead to each compilation (since there is contention over a global lock) in return for significantly reduced link times, since types will already have been merged.

Type servers bring with them some disadvantages though, so we enumerate them here:

  1. Type servers add significant context switching and global lock contention to the compilation phase, reducing parallelism and degrading overall system performance while a build is in process.  While some performance is reclaimed from the linker, some is sacrificed due to the use of a global system lock.  It’s still a net win, but as it is not free, it leaves open the possibility that we may be able to achieve better parallelism using a different approach.

  2. The type server process itself (mspdbsrv.exe) introduces a single point of failure.  When it crashes (we see C1033 several times per day on Chrome, for example, which seems to indicate an mspdbsrv.exe crash) it could trigger a full rebuild if the type server PDB file is left in a corrupt state.

  3. mspdbsrv is incompatible with distributed builds, which is a show-stopper for large applications that can take several hours to build on normal workstations.  Type servers operate only via local IPC.  While multi-processing works well for small applications, many large products have build farms that distribute compilations among tens or hundreds of physical machines.  Type servers are incompatible with this scenario.

Fastlink PDBs

Fastlink PDBs are a relatively recent introduction, and the approach used by this solution is to eliminate type merging entirely.  To support this, special metadata is set in the PDB file to indicate to the tool that this is a fastlink PDB, and when the tool (e.g. debugger) encounters this metadata, it will fetch all type information from the original object file, rather than from the PDB.  As before, there are several disadvantages to this approach, enumerated here:

  1. The pdbcopy utility is almost unusable with fastlink PDBs for performance reasons.

  2. Since type merging doesn’t happen, indexing of type information also doesn’t happen (since the expensive part of building an index -- the hashing -- comes for free when you were hashing the record anyway).  This leads to degradation in the debugger user experience, since waits which previously happened only at build time now happen at debug-time.

  3. Fastlink PDBs are not portable.  The PDB references the object files by path, so if you copy the PDB and object files to a different machine (or even different path on the same machine) for archival purposes, they can no longer be debugged.  This is a deal-breaker for using it on production builds

  4. Symbols can’t be enumerated in a Fastlink PDB.  This is most obvious if you attempt to use DIA SDK on a Fastlink PDB, where it will simply refuse to do anything at all.  This means that the only externally supported way of querying debug info for users is impossible against a Fastlink PDB.  Beyond that, however, it also means that even Microsoft’s own tools which need to enumerate symbols cannot use any standard API for doing so.  For example, WinDbg doesn’t fully support Fastlink PDBs, and many workflows are broken by the use of them, even using supported Microsoft tools.

  5. It has several serious stability issues which make it unusable on large projects  [ref].  This is probably related to point 4 above, namely the fact that every tool that wants to be able to work with a Fastlink PDB needs to use different code than the SDK that has been tested and battle-hardened through years of development.

  6. When compiling with clang-cl and linking with /debug:fastlink the compiler has to be instructed to emit additional debug information, making .obj files about 29% larger.

Clang's Solution - The COFF .debug$H section

This new approach tries to combine the ideas behind type servers and fastlink PDBs.  Like type servers, it attempts to offload the work of de-duplication to the compilation phase so that it can be done in parallel.  However, it does so using an algorithm with the property that the resulting hash can be used to identify a type record even across type streams.  Specifically, if two records have the same hash, they are the same record even if they are from different object files.  If you can take it on faith that such an algorithm exists (which will be henceforth referred to as a global hash), then the amount of work that the linker needs to perform is greatly reduced.  And the work that it does still have to do can be done much quicker.  Perhaps most importantly, it produces a byte-for-byte identical PDB to when the option is not used, meaning all of the issues surrounding Fastlink PDBs and compatibility are gone.

Previously, the linker would do something that looks roughly like this:

     HashTable<Type> HashedTypes;

     vector<Type> MergedTypes;

     for (ObjectFile &Obj : Objects) {

       for (Type &T : Obj.types()) {

         remapAllTypeIndices(MergedTypes, T);

         if (!HashedTypes.try_insert(T))





The important observations here are:

  1. remapAllTypeIndices is called unconditionally for every type in every object file.

  2. A hash of the type is computed unconditionally for every type

  3. At least one full record comparison is done for every type.  In practice it turns out to be much more, because hash buckets are computed modulo table size, so there will actually be 1 full record comparison for every probe.

Given a global hash function as described above, the algorithm can be re-written like this:

      HashMap<SHA1, int> HashToIndex;

      vector<Type> OrderedTypes;

      for (ObjectFile &Obj : Objects) {

        auto Hashes = Obj.DebugHSectionHashes;

        for (int I=0; I < Obj.NumTypes; ++I) {

          int NextIndex = OrderedTypes.size();

          if (!HashToIndex.try_emplace(Hashes[I], NextIndex))






While this appears very similar, its performance characteristics are quite different.

  1. remapAllTypeIndices is only called when the record is actually new.  Which, as we discussed earlier, is a small fraction of the time over many linker inputs.

  2. A hash of the type is never computed by the linker.  It is simply there in the object file (the exception to this is mixed linker inputs, discussed earlier, but those are a small fraction of input files).

  3. Full record comparisons never happen.  Since we are using a strong hash function with negligible chance of false collisions, and since the hash of a record provides equality semantics across streams, the hash is as good as the record itself.

Combining all of these points, we get an algorithm that is extremely cache friendly.  Amortized over all input files, most records during type merging are cache hits (i.e. duplicate records).  With this algorithm when we get a cache hit, the only two data structures that are accessed are:

  1. An array of contiguous hash values.

  2. An array of contiguous hash buckets.

Since we never do full equality comparison (which would blow out the L1 and sometimes even L2 cache due to the average size of a type record being larger than a cache line) the algorithm here is very fast.

We’ve deferred discussion of how to create such a hash up until now, but it is actually fairly straightforward.  We use what is known as a “tree hash” or “Merkle tree”.  The idea is to pass bytes from a type record directly to the hash function up until the point we get to a type index.  Then, instead of passing the numeric value of the type index to the hash function, we pass the previously computed hash of the record that is being referenced.

Such a hash is very fast to compute in the compiler because the compiler must already hash types anyway, so the incremental cost to emit this to the .debug$H section is negligible.  For example, when a type is encountered in a translation unit, before you can add that type to the object file’s .debug$T section, it must first be verified that the type has not already been added.  And since this is happening naturally in the order in which types are encountered, all that has to be done is to save these hash values in an array indexed by type index, and subsequent hash operations will have O(1) access to all of the information needed to compute this merkle hash.


Mixed Input Files and Compiler/Linker Compatibility

A linker must be prepared to deal with a mixed set of input files.  For example, while a particular compiler may choose to always emit .debug$H sections, a linker must be prepared to link objects that for whatever reason do not have this section.  To handle this, the linker can examine all inputs up front and manually compute hashes for inputs with missing .debug$Hsections.  In practice this proves to be a small fraction and the penalty for doing this serially is negligible, although it should be noted that in theory this can also be done as a parallel pre-processing step if some use cases show that this has non-negligible cost.

Similarly, the emission of this section in an object file has no impact on linkers which have not been taught to use it.  Since it is a purely additive (and optional) inclusion into the object file, any linker which does not understand it will continue to work exactly as it does today.

The On-Disk Format

Clang uses the following on-disk format for the .debug$H section.

           0x0     : <Section Magic>  (4 bytes)

     0x4     : <Version>        (2 bytes)

     0x6     : <Hash Algorithm> (2 bytes)

     0x8     : <Hash Value>     (N bytes)

     0x8 + N : <Hash Value>     (N bytes)


Here, “Section Magic” is an arbitrarily chosen 4-byte number whose purpose is to provide some level of certainty that what we’re seeing is a real .debug$H section, and not some section that someone created that accidentally happened to be called that.   Our current implementation uses the value 0x133C9C5, which represents the date of the initial prototype implementation.  But this can be any reasonable value here, as long as it never changes.

“Version” is reserved for future use, so that the format of the section can theoretically change.

“Hash Algorithm” is a value that indicates what algorithm was used to generate the hashes that follow.  As such, the value of N above is also a function of what hash algorithm is used.  Currently, the only proposed value for Hash Algorithm is SHA1 = 0, which would imply N = 20 when Hash Algorithm = 0.  Should it prove useful to have truncated 8-byte SHA1 hashes, we could define SHA1_8 = 1, for example.

Limitations and Pitfalls

The biggest limitation of this format is that it increases object file size.  Experiments locally on fairly large projects show an average aggregate object file size increase of ~15% compared to /DEBUG:FULL (which, for clang-cl, actually makes .debug$H object files smallerthan those needed to support /DEBUG:FASTLINK).

There is another, less obvious potential pitfall as well.  The worst case scenario is when no input files have a .debug$H section present, but this limitation is the same in principle even if only a subset of files have a .debug$H section.  Since the linker must agree on a single hash function for all object files, there is the question of what to do when not all object files agree on hash function, or when not all object files contain a .debug$H section.  If the code is not written carefully, you could get into a situation where, for example, no input files contain a .debug$H section so the linker decides to synthesize one on the fly for every input file.  Since SHA1 (for example) is quite slow, this could cause a huge performance penalty.

This limitation can be coded around with some care, however.  For example, tree hashes can be computed up-front in parallel as a pre-processing step.  Alternatively, a hash function could be chosen based on some heuristic estimate of what would likely lead to the fastest link (based on the percentage of inputs that had a .debug$H section, for example).  There are other possibilities as well.  The important thing is to just be aware of this potential pitfall, and if your links become very slow, you'll know that the first thing you should check is "do all my object files have .debug$H sections?"

Finally, since a hash is considered to be identical to the original record, we must consider the possibility of collisions.  That said, this does not appear to be a serious concern in practice.  A single PDB can have a theoretical maximum of 232 type records anyway (due to a type index being 4 bytes).  The following table shows the expected number of type records needed for a collision to exist as a function of hash size.

Hash Size (Bytes)

Average # of records needed for a collision








3.53 x 1014


2.31 x 1019


1.52 x 1024

Given that this is strictly for debug information and not generated code, it’s worth thinking about the severity of a collision.  We feel that an 8-byte hash is probably acceptable for real world use.


Here we will give some benchmarks on large real world applications (specifically, Chrome and clang).  The times presented are only for the linker.  gn args for each build of chromium are specified at the end..
































The numbers here indicate a reduction in link time of up to 30% by enabling /DEBUG:GHASH in lld.

It's worth mentioning that lld does not yet have support for incremental linking so we could not compare the cost of an incremental link with /DEBUG:GHASH versus MSVC.  We still expect incremental linking using MSVC under optimal conditions (e.g. change whitespace in a header file) to produce much faster links than lld is currently able to do.

There are several possible avenues for further optimization though, so we will finish up by discussing them.

Further Improvements

There are several ways to improve the times further, which have yet to be explored.

  1. Use a smaller or faster hash.  We use a 20-byte SHA1 hash.  This is not a multiple of cache line size, and in any case the probability of collision is astronomically small even in the largest PDBs, considering that the theoretical limit of a PDB is just under 2^32 possible unique types (due to the 4-byte size of a type index).  SHA1 is also notoriously slow.  It might be interesting to try, for example, a Blake2 set to output an 8 byte hash.  This should give sufficiently low probability of a collision while improving cache performance.  The on-disk format is designed with this flexibility in mind, as different hash algorithms can be specified in the header.

  2. Hashes for compilands with missing .debug$H sections can be computed in parallel before linking.  Currently when we encounter an object file without a .debug$H section, we must synthesize one in the linker.  Our prototype algorithm does this serially for each input.

  3. Symbol records from .debug$S sections can be merged in parallel.  Currently in lld, we first merge type records into the TPI stream, then we iterate symbol records and remap types in each symbol record to correspond to the new type indices.  If we merge types from all modules up front, the symbol records (with the exception of global symbols) can be merged in parallel since they get written to independent streams).

Try it out!

If you're already using clang-cl and lld on Windows today, you can try this out.  There are two flags needed to enable this, one for the compiler and one for the linker:
  1. To enable the emission of a .debug$H section by the compiler, you will need to pass the undocumented -mllvm -emit-codeview-ghash-section flag to clang-cl  (this flag should go away in the future, once this is considered stable and good enough to be turned on by default).
  2. To tell lld to use this information, you will need to pass the /DEBUG:GHASH to lld.
Note that this feature is still considered highly experimental, so we're interested in your feedback (llvm-dev@ mailing list, direct email is ok too) and bug reports (bugs.llvm.org).  

LLVM accepted to 2018 Google Summer of Code!

We are excited to announce the LLVM project has been accepted to 2018 Google Summer of Code!

What is Google Summer of Code?

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program focused on introducing students to open source software development. Students work on a 3 month programming project with an open source organization during their break from university. There are several benefits to this program for both the students and LLVM:

  • Inspire students to get involved with open source, compilers and LLVM
  • Give students exposure to real-world software development while getting paid a stipend
  • Allow students to do paid work related to their academic pursuits versus getting an unrelated summer job
  • Bring new developers into the LLVM project
  • Some LLVM bugs get fixed or new features get added

Students - Apply now! 

Ok, so you can't apply right now as the official application to GSoC does not open until March 12, 2018, but you must begin discussing your project on the LLVM mailing lists well before that date. There are many open projects listed on our webpage. Once you have selected a project, you will discuss it on the appropriate mailing list.

If you have an idea for a project that is not listed, you can always propose it on the list as well and seek out a mentor.

Key Dates to Remember

We have listed a few key dates here, but always consult the official GSoC timeline to confirm.

  • March 12 (16:00 UTC) - Applications open
  • March 27 (16:00 UTC) - Deadline to file your application
  • April 23 (16:00 UTC) - Accepted student proposals are announced
  • May 14 - Coding begins

LLVM Developers - Consider being mentor!

This program is not a success without our mentors. Thank you to all that have all who have already volunteered! If you have never mentored a GSoC project but are curious, it is not too late to volunteer! You can either select an open project without a mentor or propose your own. Make sure to get it listed on the webpage so that students can see it as an option.

If mentoring just isn't an option for you at this time, consider helping the project out my spreading the word about GSoC.


If you have questions about the program for the organizers, please email gsoc@lists.llvm.org. Project specific questions should be sent to the appropriate developer mailing list instead.

EuroLLVM'18 developers' meeting program

The LLVM Foundation is excited to announce the program for the EuroLLVM'18 developers' meeting (April 16 - 17 in Bristol/UK) !




Student Research Competition

Lightning Talks


If you are interested in any of this talks, you should register to attend the EuroLLVM'18. Tickets are limited !

More information about the EuroLLVM'18 is available here

Clang is now used to build Chrome for Windows

As of Chrome 64, Chrome for Windows is compiled with Clang. We now use Clang to build Chrome for all platforms it runs on: macOS, iOS, Linux, Chrome OS, Android, and Windows. Windows is the platform with the second most Chrome users after Android according to statcounter, which made this switch particularly exciting.

Clang is the first-ever open-source C++ compiler that’s ABI-compatible with Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) – meaning you can build some parts of your program (for example, system libraries) with the MSVC compiler (“cl.exe”), other parts with Clang, and when linked together (either by MSVC’s linker, “link.exe”, or LLD, the LLVM project’s linker – see below) the parts will form a working program.

Note that Clang is not a replacement for Visual Studio, but an addition to it. We still use Microsoft’s headers and libraries to build Chrome, we still use some SDK binaries like midl.exe and mc.exe, and many Chrome/Win developers still use the Visual Studio IDE (for both development and for debugging).

This post discusses numbers, motivation, benefits and drawbacks of using Clang instead of MSVC, how to try out Clang for Windows yourself, project history, and next steps. For more information on the technical side you can look at the slides of our 2015 LLVM conference talk, and the slides linked from there.


This is what most people ask about first, so let’s talk about it first. We think the other sections are more interesting though.

Build time

Building Chrome locally with Clang is about 15% slower than with MSVC. (We’ve heard that Windows Defender can make Clang builds a lot slower on some machines, so if you’re seeing larger slowdowns, make sure to whitelist Clang in Windows Defender.) However, the way Clang emits debug info is more parallelizable and builds with a distributed build service (e.g. Goma) are hence faster.

Binary size

Chrome installer size gets smaller for 64-bit builds and slightly larger for 32-bit builds using Clang. The same difference shows in uncompressed code size for regular builds as well (see the tracking bug for Clang binary size for many numbers). However, compared to MSVC builds using link-time code generation (LTCG) and profile-guided optimization (PGO) Clang generates larger code in 64-bit for targets that use /O2 but smaller code for targets that use /Os. The installer size comparison suggests Clang's output compresses better.

Some raw numbers for versions 64.0.3278.2 (MSVC PGO) and 64.0.3278.0 (Clang). mini_installer.exe is Chrome’s installer that users download, containing the LZMA-compressed code. chrome_child.dll is one of the two main dlls; it contains Blink and V8, and generally has many targets that are built with /O2. chrome.dll is the other main dll, containing the browser process code, mostly built with /Os.

32-bit win-pgo
45.46 MB
36.47 MB
53.76 MB
1.38 MB
32-bit win-clang
45.65 MB
42.56 MB (+16.7%)
62.38 MB
1.45 MB
64-bit win-pgo
49.4 MB
53.3 MB
65.6 MB
1.6 MB
64-bit win-clang
46.27 MB
50.6 MB
72.71 MB
1.57 MB


We conducted extensive A/B testing of performance. Performance telemetry numbers are about the same for MSVC-built and clang-built Chrome – some metrics get better, some get worse, but all of them are within 5% of each other. The official MSVC builds used LTCG and PGO, while the Clang builds currently use neither of these. This is potential for improvement that we look forward to exploring. The PGO builds took a very long time to build due to the need for collecting profiles and then building again, and as a result, the configuration was not enabled on our performance-measurement buildbots. Now that we use Clang, the perf bots again track the configuration that we ship.

Startup performance was worse in Clang-built Chrome until we started using a link-order file– a form of “PGO light” .


We A/B-tested stability as well and found no difference between the two build configurations.


There were many motivating reasons for this project, the overarching theme being the benefits of using the same compiler across all of Chrome’s platforms, as well as the ability to change the compiler and deploy those changes to all our developers and buildbots quickly. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of examples.
  • Chrome is heavily using technology that’s based on compiler instrumentation (ASan, CFI, ClusterFuzz—uses ASan). Clang supports this instrumentation already, but we can’t add it to MSVC. We previously used after-the-fact binary instrumentation to mitigate this a bit, but having the toolchain write the right bits in the first place is cleaner and faster.
  • Clang enables us to write compiler plugins that add Chromium-specific warnings and to write tooling for large-scale refactoring. Chromium’s code search can now learn to index Windows code.
  • Chromium is open-source, so it’s nice if it’s built with an open-source toolchain.
  • Chrome runs on 6+ platforms, and most developers are only familiar with 1-3 platforms. If your patch doesn’t compile on a platform you’re unfamiliar with, due to a compiler error that you can’t locally reproduce on your local development machine, it’ll take you a while to fix. On the other hand, if all platforms use the same compiler, if it builds on your machine then it’s probably going to build on all platforms.
  • Using the same compiler also means that compiler-specific micro-optimizations will help on all platforms (assuming that the same -O flags are used on all platforms – not yet the case in Chrome, and only on the same ISAs – x86 vs ARM will stay different).
  • Using the same compiler enables cross-compiling– developers who feel most at home on a Linux box can now work on Windows-specific code, from their Linux box (without needing to run Wine).
  • We can continuously build Chrome trunk with Clang trunk to find compiler regressions quickly. This allows us to update Clang every week or two. Landing a major MSVC update in Chrome usually took a year or more, with several rounds of reporting internal compiler bugs and miscompiles. The issue here isn’t that MSVC is more buggy than Clang – it isn’t, all software is buggy – but that we can continuously improve Clang due to Clang being open-source.
  • C++ receives major new revisions every few years. When C++11 was released, we were still using six different compilers, and enabling C++11 was difficult. With fewer compilers, this gets much easier.
  • We can prioritize compiler features that are important to us. For example:

Of course, not all – or even most – of these reasons will apply to other projects.

Benefits and drawbacks of using Clang instead of Visual C++

Benefits of using Clang, if you want to try for your project:
  • Clang supports 64-bit inline assembly. For example, in Chrome we built libyuv (a video format conversion library) with Clang long before we built all of Chrome with it. libyuv had highly-tuned 64-bit inline assembly with performance not reachable with intrinsics, and we could just use that code on Windows.
  • If your project runs on multiple platforms, you can use one compiler everywhere. Building your project with several compilers is generally considered good for code health, but in Chrome we found that Clang’s diagnostics found most problems and we were mostly battling compiler bugs (and if another compiler has a great new diagnostic, we can add that to Clang).
  • Likewise, if your project is Windows-only, you can get a second compiler’s opinion on your code, and Clang’s warnings might find bugs.
  • You can use Address Sanitizer to find memory bugs.
  • If you don’t use LTCG and PGO, it’s possible that Clang might create faster code.
  • Clang’s diagnostics and fix-it hints.
There are also drawbacks:
  • Clang doesn’t support C++/CX or #import “foo.dll”.
  • MSVC offers paid support, Clang only gives you the code and the ability to write patches yourself (although the community is very active and helpful!).
  • MSVC has better documentation.
  • Advanced debugging features such as Edit & Continue don’t work when using Clang.

How to use

If you want to give Clang for Windows a try, there are two approaches:
  1. You could use clang-cl, a compiler driver that tries to be command-line flag compatible with cl.exe (just like Clang tries to be command-line flag compatible with gcc). The Clang user manual describes how you can tell popular Windows build systems how to call clang-cl instead of cl.exe. We used this approach in Chrome to keep the Clang/Win build working alongside the MSVC build for years, with minimal maintenance cost. You can keep using link.exe, all your current compile flags, the MSVC debugger or windbg, ETW, etc. clang-cl even writes warning messages in a format that’s compatible with cl.exe so that you can click on build error messages in Visual Studio to jump to the right file and line. Everything should just work.
  2. Alternatively, if you have a cross-platform project and want to use gcc-style flags for your Windows build, you can pass a Windows triple (e.g. --target=x86_64-windows-msvc) to regular Clang, and it will produce MSVC-ABI-compatible output. Starting in Clang 7.0.0, due Fall 2018, Clang will also default to CodeView debug info with this triple.
Since Clang’s output is ABI-compatible with MSVC, you can build parts of your project with clang and other parts with MSVC. You can also pass /fallback to clang-cl to make it call cl.exe on files it can’t yet compile (this should be rare; it never happens in the Chrome build).

clang-cl accepts Microsoft language extensions needed to parse system headers but tries to emit -Wmicrosoft-foo warnings when it does so (warnings are ignored for system headers). You can choose to fix your code, or pass -Wno-microsoft-foo to Clang.

link.exe can produce regular PDB files from the CodeView information that Clang writes.

Project History

We switched chrome/mac and chrome/linux to Clang a while ago. But on Windows, Clang was still missing support for parsing many Microsoft language extensions, and it didn’t have any Microsoft C++ ABI-compatible codegen at all. In 2013, we spun up a team to improve Clang’s Windows support, consisting half of Chrome engineers with a compiler background and half of other toolchain people. In mid-2014, Clang could self-host on Windows. In February 2015, we had the first fallback-free build of 64-bit Chrome, in July 2015 the first fallback-free build of 32-bit Chrome (32-bit SEH was difficult). In Oct 2015, we shipped a first clang-built Chrome to the Canary channel. Since then, we’ve worked on improving the size of Clang’s output, improved Clang’s debug information (some of it behind -instcombine-lower-dbg-declare=0 for now), and A/B-tested stability and telemetry performance metrics.

We use versions of Clang that are pinned to a recent upstream revision that we update every one to three weeks, without any local patches. All our work is done in upstream LLVM.

Mid-2015, Microsoft announced that they were building on top of our work of making Clang able to parse all the Microsoft SDK headers with clang/c2, which used the Clang frontend for parsing code, but cl.exe’s codegen to generate code. Development on clang/c2 was halted again in mid-2017; it is conceivable that this was related to our improvements to MSVC-ABI-compatible Clang codegen quality. We’re thankful to Microsoft for publishing documentation on the PDB file format, answering many of our questions, fixing Clang compatibility issues in their SDKs, and for giving us publicity on their blog! Again, Clang is not a replacement for MSVC, but a complement to it.

Opera for Windows is also compiled with Clang starting in version 51.

Firefox is also looking at using clang-cl for building Firefox for Windows.

Next Steps

Just as clang-cl is a cl.exe-compatible interface for Clang, lld-link is a link.exe-compatible interface for lld, the LLVM linker. Our next step is to use lld-link as an alternative to link.exe for linking Chrome for Windows. This has many of the same advantages as clang-cl (open-source, easy to update, …). Also, using clang-cl together with lld-link allows using LLVM-bitcode-based LTO (which in turn enables using CFI) and using PE/COFF extensions to speed up linking. A prerequisite for using lld-link was its ability to write PDB files.
We’re also considering using libc++ instead of the MSVC STL – this allows us to instrument the standard library, which is again useful for CFI and Address Sanitizer.

In Closing

Thanks to the whole LLVM community for helping to create the first new production C++ compiler for Windows in over a decade, and the first-ever open-source open-source C++ compiler that’s ABI-compatible with MSVC!

International Women's Day: Celebrating all the women in the LLVM Community!


Today is International Women's Day! To all the women in the LLVM community, thank you for all your contributions!

The LLVM Foundation values diversity within the LLVM community and the field of compilers and tools. Our Women in Compilers and Tools program began in 2015 with a birds of a feather discussion during the US LLVM Developers' Meeting and we have been expanding it over the years.

In 2017, we were a sponsor of the Grace Hopper Conference. With the help of community members Anna Zaks and David Blaikie, the LLVM Foundation had a booth at the career fair to introduce women to LLVM and encourage them to become contributors. It was very exciting to learn that many women knew of LLVM, were using it in their classes or research, using it in their career, or were interested in learning more. We hopefully encouraged more women to get involved with LLVM, compilers, and open source.

The LLVM Foundation was also a sponsor of the Programming Language Mentoring Workshop at SPLASH 2017. Our sponsorship went towards the travel costs for many women and other minorities to attend this workshop. The workshop focused on encouraging and preparing students to enter research careers in the field of programming languages, compilers, and related fields and to provide first hand perspectives on graduate school.

We hosted our first Women in Compilers & Tools reception before the 2017 US LLVM Developers' Meeting. Anna Zaks and Alice Chan participated in a panel discussion about the challenges and experiences that they have encountered in their careers and within the open source community. The event was attended by 60 members of the LLVM community.

In 2018, we look forward to another year of expanding our program. The LLVM Foundation will again sponsor the Grace Hopper Conference and we are looking for LLVM community members to help out at the career booth (more details to come). We will be having two Women in Compilers and Tools events. The first will have a reception and panel discussion before the 2018 EuroLLVM Developers' Meeting. Get your tickets here. The second will be before the 2018 US LLVM Developers' Meeting and details will be announced in the coming months.

The LLVM Foundation thanks the LLVM community and its sponsors for supporting this work. If you want to participate in the discussion or receive notifications on events, please join the Women in Compilers and Tools mailing list.

Question for the LLVM Foundation? Email us at llvm-foundation@lists.llvm.org.

DragonFFI: FFI/JIT for the C language using Clang/LLVM



A foreign function interface is "a mechanism by which a program written in one programming language can call routines or make use of services written in another".
In the case of DragonFFI, we expose a library that allows calling C functions and using C structures from any languages. Basically, we want to be able to do this, let's say in Python:
CU=pydffi.FFI().cdef("int puts(const char* s);");
CU.funcs.puts("hello world!")
or, in a more advanced way, for instance to use libarchive directly from Python:
CU=pydffi.FFI().cdef("#include <archive.h>")
This blog post presents related works, their drawbacks, then how Clang/LLVM is used to circumvent these drawbacks, the inner working of DragonFFI and further ideas.
The code of the project is available on GitHub: https://github.com/aguinet/dragonffi. Python 2/3 wheels are available for Linux/OSX x86/x64. Python 3.6 wheels are available for Windows x64. On all these architectures, just use:
$ pip install pydffi
and play with it :)

See below for more information.

Related work

libffi is the reference library that provides a FFI for the C language. cffi is a Python binding around this library that also uses PyCParserto be able to easily declare interfaces and types. Both these libraries have limitations, among them:
  • libffi does not support the Microsoft x64 ABI under Linux x64. It isn't that trivial to add a new ABI (hand-written ABI, get the ABI right, ...), while a lot of effort have already been put into compilers to get these ABIs right.
  • PyCParser only supports a very limited subset of C (no includes, function attributes, ...).
Moreover, in 2014, Jordan Rose and John McCall from Apple made a talk at the LLVM developer meeting of San José about how Clang can be used for C interoperability. This talk also shows various ABI issues, and has been a source of inspiration for DragonFFI at the beginning.

Somehow related, Sean Callanan, who worked on lldb, gave a talk in 2017 at the LLVM developer meeting of San José on how we could use parts of Clang/LLVM to implement some kind of eval() for C++. What can be learned from this talk is that debuggers like lldb must also be able to call an arbitrary C function, and uses debug information among other things to solve it (what we also do, see below :)).

DragonFFI is based on Clang/LLVM, and thanks to that it is able to get around these issues:
  • it uses Clang to parse header files, allowing direct usage of a C library headers without adaptation;
  • it support as many calling conventions and function attributes as Clang/LLVM do;
  • as a bonus, Clang and LLVM allows on-the-fly compilation of C functions, without relying on the presence of a compiler on the system (you still need the headers of the system's libc thought, or MSVCRT headers under Windows);
  • and this is a good way to have fun with Clang and LLVM! :)
Let's dive in!

Creating an FFI library for C

Supporting C ABIs

A C function is always compiled for a given C ABI. The C ABI isn't defined per the official C standards, and is system/architecture-dependent. Lots of things are defined by these ABIs, and it can be quite error prone to implement.

To see how ABIs can become complex, let's compile this C code:


printf("%d %d\n",s.a,s.b);

Compiled for Linux x64, it gives this LLVM IR:


@.str=privateunnamed_addrconstant[7xi8]c"%d %d\0A\00",align1


What happens here is what is called structure coercion. To optimize some function calls, some ABIs pass structure values through registers. For instance, an llvm::ArrayRef object, which is basically a structure with a pointer and a size (see https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm/blob/release_60/include/llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h#L51), is passed through registers (though this optimization isn't guaranteed by any standard).

It is important to understand that ABIs are complex things to implement and we don't want to redo this whole work by ourselves, particularly when LLVM/Clang already know how.

Finding the right type abstraction

We want to list every types that is used in a parsed C file. To achieve that goal, various information are needed, among which:
  • the function types, and their calling convention
  • for structures: field offsets and names
  • for union/enums: field names (and values)
On one hand, we have seen in the previous section that the LLVM IR is too Low Level (as in Low Level Virtual Machine) for this. On the other hand, Clang's AST is too high level. Indeed, let's print the Clang AST of the code above:
|-RecordDecl 0x5561d7f9fc20 <a.c:1:9, line:4:1> line:1:9 struct definition
||-FieldDecl 0x5561d7ff4750 <line:2:3, col:9> col:9 referenced a 'short'
|`-FieldDecl 0x5561d7ff47b0 <line:3:3, col:7> col:7 referenced b 'int'
We can see that there is no information about the structure layout (padding, ...). There's also no information about the size of standard C types. As all of this depends on the backend used, it is not surprising that these informations are not present in the AST.

The right abstraction appears to be the LLVM metadata produced by Clang to emit DWARF or PDB structures. They provide structure fields offset/name, various basic type descriptions, and function calling conventions. Exactly what we need! For the example above, this gives (at the LLVM IR level, with some inline comments):

@.str=privateunnamed_addrconstant[7xi8]c"%d %d\0A\00",align1


; DISubprogram defines (in our case) a C function, with its full type
!7=distinct!DISubprogram(name:"print_A",scope:!1,file:!1,line:6,type:!8, [...],variables:!17)
; This defines the type of our subprogram
; We have the "original" types used for print_A, with the first one being the
; return type (null => void), and the other ones the arguments (in !10)
; This defines our structure, with its various fields
; We have here the size and name of the member "a". Offset is 0 (default value)
; We have here the size, offset and name of the member "b"


DragonFFI first parses the debug information included by Clang in the LLVM IR it produces, and creates a custom type system to represent the various function types, structures, enumerations and typedefs of the parsed C file. This custom type system has been created for two reasons:
  • create a type system that gathers only the necessary informations from the metadata tree (we don't need the whole debug informations)
  • make the public headers of the DragonFFI library free from any LLVM headers (so that the whole LLVM headers aren't needed to use the library)
Once we've got this type system, the DragonFFI API for calling C functions is this one:

// This will declare puts as a function that returns int and takes a const
// char* as an argument. We could also create this function type by hand.
CompilationUnitCU=FFI.cdef("int puts(const char* s);",[...]);
constchar*s="hello world!";

So, basically, a pointer to the returned data and an array of void* is given to DragonFFI. Each void* value is a pointer to the data that must be passed to the underlying function. So the last missing piece of the puzzle is the code that takes this array of void* (and pointer to the returned data) and calls puts, so a function like this:


We call these "function wrappers" (how original! :)). One advantage of this signature is that it is a generic signature, which can be used in the implementation of DragonFFI. Supposing we manage to compile at run-time this function, we can then call it trivially as in the following:

puts_call_tyWrapper=/* pointer to the compiled wrapper function */;

Generating and compiling a function like this is something Clang/LLVM is able to do. For the record, this is also what libffi mainly does, by generating the necessary assembly by hand. We optimize the number of these wrappers in DragonFFI, by generating them for each different function type. So, the actual wrapper that would be generated for puts is actually this one:


For now, all the necessary wrappers are generated when the DFFI::cdef or DFFI::compile APIs are used. The only exception where they are generated on-the-fly (when calling CompilationUnit::getFunction) is for variadic arguments. One possible evolution is to let the user chooses whether he wants this to happen on-the-fly or not for every declared function.

Issues with Clang

There is one major issue with Clang that we need to hack around in order to have the DFFI::cdef functionality: unused declarations aren't emitted by Clang (even when using -g-femit-all-decls).

Here is an example, produced from the following C code:


$ clang -S -emit-llvm -g -femit-all-decls -o - a.c |grep print_A |wc -l

The produced LLVM IR does not contain a function named print_A! The hack we temporarily use parses the clang AST and generates temporary functions that looks like this:


This forces LLVM to generate an empty function named __dffi_force_decl_print_A with the good arguments (and associated debug informations).

This is why DragonFFI proposes another API, DFFI::compile. This API does not force declared-only functions to be present in the LLVM IR, and will only expose functions that end up naturally in the LLVM IR after optimizations.

If someone has a better idea to handle this, please let us know!

Python bindings

Python bindings were the first ones to have been written, simply because it's the "high level" language I know best.  Python provides its own set of challenges, but we will save that for another blog post.  These Python bindings are built using pybind11, and provides their own set of C types. Lots of example of what can be achieved can be found here and here.

Project status

DragonFFI currently supports Linux, OSX and Windows OSes, running on Intel 32 and 64-bits CPUs. Travis is used for continuous integration, and every changes is validated on all these platforms before being integrated.

The project will go from alpha to beta quality when the 0.3 version will be out (which will bring Travis and Appveyor CI integration and support for variadic functions). The project will be considered stable once these things happen:
  • user and developer documentations exist!
  • another foreign language is supported (JS? Ruby?)
  • the DragonFFI main library API is considered stable
  • a non negligible list of tests have been added
  • all the things in the TODO file have been done :)

Various ideas for the future

Here are various interesting ideas we have for the future. We don't know yet when they will be implemented, but we think some of them could be quite nice to have.

Parse embedded DWARF information

As the entry point of DragonFFI are DWARF informations, we could imagine parsing these debug informations from shared libraries that embed them (or provide them in a separate file). The main advantage is that all the necessary information for doing the FFI right are in one file, the header files are no longer required. The main drawback is that debug informations tend to take a lot of space (for instance, DWARF informations take 1.8Mb for libarchive 3.32 compiled in release mode, for an original binary code size of 735Kb), and this brings us to the next idea.

Lightweight debug info?

The DWARF standard allows to define lots of information, and we don't need all of them in our case. We could imagine embedding only the necessary DWARF objects, that is just the necessary types to call the exported functions of a shared library. One experiment of this is available here: https://github.com/aguinet/llvm-lightdwarf. This is an LLVM optimisation pass that is inserted at the end of the optimisation pipeline, and parse metadata to only keep the relevant one for DragonFFI. More precisely, it only keeps the dwarf metadata related to exported and visible functions, with the associated types. It also keeps debug information of global variables, even thought these ones aren't supported yet in DragonFFI. It also does some unconventional things, like replacing every file and directory by "_", to save space. "Fun" fact, to do this, it borrows some code from the LLVM bitcode "obfuscator" included in recent Apple's clang version, that is used to anonymize some information from the LLVM bitcode that is sent with tvOS/iOS applications (see http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2016-February/095588.html for more information).

Enough talking, let's see some preliminary results (on Linux x64):
  • on libarchive 3.3.2, DWARF goes from 1.8Mb to 536Kb, for an original binary code size of 735Kb
  • on zlib 1.2.11, DWARF goes from 162Kb to 61Kb, for an original binary code size of 99Kb
The instructions to reproduce this are available in the README of the LLVM pass repository.
We can conclude that defining this "light" DWARF format could be a nice idea. One other thing that could be done is defining a new binary format, that would be thus more space-efficient, but there are drawbacks going this way:
  • debug informations are well supported on every platform nowadays: tools exist to parse them, embed/extract them from binary, and so on
  • we already got DWARD and PDB: https://xkcd.com/927/
Nevertheless, it still could be a nice experiment to try and do this, figuring out the space won and see if this is worth it!

As a final note, these two ideas would also benefit to libffi, as we could process these formats and create libffi types!

JIT code from the final language (like Python) to native function code

One advantage of embedding a full working C compiler is that we could JIT the code from the final language glue to the final C function call, and thus limit the performance impact of this glue code.
Indeed, when a call is issued from Python, the following things happen:
  • arguments are converted from Python to C according to the function type
  • the function pointer and wrapper and gathered from DragonFFI
  • the final call is made
All this process involves basically a loop on the types of the arguments of the called function, which contains a big switch case. This loop generates the array of void* values that represents the C arguments, which is then passed to the wrapper. We could JIT a specialised version of this loop for the function type, inline the already-compiled wrapper and apply classical optimisation on top of the resulting IR, and get a straightforward conversion code specialized for the given function type, directly from Python to C.

One idea we are exploring is combining easy::jit (hello fellow Quarkslab teammates!) with LLPE to achieve this goal.

Reducing DragonFFI library size

The DragonFFI shared library embed statically compiled versions of LLVM and Clang. The size of the final shared library is about 55Mb (stripped, under Linux x64). This is really really huge, compared for instance to the 39Kb of libffi (also stripped, Linux x64)!

Here are some idea to try and reduce this footprint:
  • compile DragonFFI, Clang and LLVM using (Thin) LTO, with visibility hidden for both Clang and LLVM. This could have the effect of removing code from Clang/LLVM that isn't used by DragonFFI.
  • make DragonFFI more modular: - one core module that only have the parts from CodeGen that deals with ABIs. If the types and function prototypes are defined "by hand" (without DFFI::cdef), that's more or less the only part that is needed (with LLVM obviously) - one optional module that includes the full clang compiler (to provide the DFFI::cdef and DFFI::compile APIs)
Even with all of this, it seems to be really hard to match the 39Kb of libffi, even if we remove the cdef/compile API from DragonFFI. As always, pick the right tool for your needs :)


Writing the first working version of DragonFFI has been a fun experiment, that made me discover new parts of Clang/LLVM :) The current goal is to try and achieve a first stable version (see above), and experiment with the various cited ideas.

It's a really long road, so feel free to come on #dragonffi on FreeNode for any questions/suggestions you might have, (inclusive) or if you want to contribute!


Thanks to Serge «sans paille» Guelton for the discussions around the Python bindings, and for helping me finding the name of the project :) (one of the most difficult task). Thanks also to him, Fernand Lone-Sang and Kévin Szkudlapski for their review of this blog post!

2018 LLVM Foundation's Women in Compilers and Tools Workshop


The LLVM Foundation is excited to announce our first half day Women in Compilers and Tools Workshop held the day before the 2018 LLVM Developers’ Meeting - Bay Area. The workshop will be held at the Fairmont Hotel on October 16th from 1:00-6:30PM and includes a cocktail reception.

This event aims to connect women in the field of compilers and tools and provide them with ideas and techniques to overcome barriers or enhance their careers. It also is open to anyone (not just women) who are interested in increasing diversity within the LLVM community, their workplace or university.

Registration for the event will open on Monday, August 27th at 9:00AM PDT. Attendance is limited to 100 attendees and tickets will be priced at $50 (students $25). Please see the EventBrite registration page for details.

The workshop will consist of 3 topics described below:

  1. Inner Critic: How to Deal with Your Imposter Syndrome
Presented by Women Catalysts

You're smart. People really like you. And yet, you can't shake the feeling that maybe you don't really deserve your success. Or that someone else can do what you do better...and what if your boss can see it too? You are not alone: it's called the Imposter Syndrome. Believe it or not, the most confident and successful people often fear that
they are actually inadequate. The great Maya Angelou once said, "I have written 11 books, but each time I think, 'Uh-oh, they're going to find out now. I've run a game on everybody, and they're going to find me out.’" But it doesn't have to be that way. In this workshop, you'll learn to identify the voice of your Imposter Syndrome and develop with strategies for dealing with your inner critics.

  1. Present! A Techie's Guide to Public Speaking
Presented by Karen Catlin

To grow your career, you know what you need to do: improve your public speaking skills.

Public speaking provides the visibility and professional credibility that helps you score the next big opportunity. But even more important is the fact that it transforms the way you communicate. Improved confidence and the ability to convey messages clearly will impact your relationships with your managers, coworkers, customers, industry peers, and even potential new hires.

In this presentation, Karen Catlin will cover the importance of speaking at conferences and events, along with strategies to get started. She'll share some favorite tips from the book she co-authored with Poornima Vijayashanker, "Present! A Techie's Guide to Public Speaking." And she'll tell some embarrassing stories that are just too good to keep to herself.

About Karen: After spending 25 years building software products, Karen Catlin is now an advocate for women in the tech industry. She’s a leadership coach, a keynote and TEDx speaker, and co-author of "Present! A Techie’s Guide to Public Speaking.”

Formerly, Karen was a vice president of engineering at Macromedia and Adobe.

Karen holds a computer science degree from Brown University and serves as an advisor to Brown's Computer Science Diversity Initiative. She’s also on the Advisory Boards for The Women’s CLUB of Silicon Valley and WEST (Women Entering & Staying in Technology).

  1. Update on Women in Compilers & Tools Program
Presented by Tanya Lattner
Over the past year we have hosted panels and BoFs on women in compilers and tools. We now need to take many of the items discussed during the events and put them into action. We will discuss some key areas and potentially break into smaller groups to determine action plans and steps to move forward.


Do I need to attend the LLVM Developers’ Meeting to attend this event?
This is an independent event which is open to anyone.  

Is this a women only event?
Anyone is welcome to attend that values diversity within the field of compiler and tools.  These topics can relate to anyone, not just women, and our mission is to improve inclusion and diversity in general.

Is there a financial hardship discount?

We have discounted the tickets for all attendees but please reach out to the organizer and we will decide on a case by case basis.

Announcing the program for the 2018 LLVM Developers' Meeting Bay Area

The LLVM Foundation is excited to announce the program for the 2018 LLVM Developers' Meeting in San Jose, CA on October 17 & 18.

As a reminder, ticket prices for the event will increase on September 17th. Purchase your tickets today!

Technical TalksTutorialsBirds of a FeatherLightning TalksPosters

Announcing the new LLVM Foundation Board of Directors


The LLVM Foundation is pleased to announce its new Board of Directors:

Chandler Carruth
Mike Edwards (Treasurer)
Hal Finkel
Arnaud de Grandmaison
Anton Korobeynikov
Tanya Lattner (President)
Chris Lattner
John Regehr (Secretary)
Tom Stellard

Two new members and seven continuing members were elected to the nine person board.

We want to thank David Kipping for his 2 terms on the board. David has been actively involved with the LLVM Developer Meetings and was the treasurer for the past 4 years. The treasurer is a time demanding position in that he supports the day to day operation of the foundation, balancing the books, and generates monthly treasurer reports.

We also want to thank all the applicants to the board. When voting on new board members, we took into consideration all contributions (past and present) and current involvement in the LLVM community. We also tried to create a balanced board of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and locations to provide a voice to as many groups within the LLVM community. Given this criteria and strong applicants, we increased the board from 8 members to 9.

About the board of directors (listed alphabetically by last name):

Chandler Carruth:

Chandler Carruth has been an active contributor to LLVM since 2007. Over the years, he has has worked on LLVM’s memory model and atomics, Clang’s C++ support, GCC-compatible driver, initial profile-aware code layout optimization pass, pass manager, IPO infrastructure, and much more. He is the current code owner of inlining and SSA formation.

In addition to his numerous technical contributions, Chandler has led Google’s LLVM efforts since 2010 and shepherded a number of new efforts that have positively and significantly impacted the LLVM project. These new efforts include things such as adding C++ modules to Clang, adding address and other sanitizers to Clang/LLVM, making Clang compatible with MSVC and available to the Windows C++ developer community, and much more.

Chandler works at Google Inc. as a technical lead for their C++ developer platform and has served on the LLVM Foundation board of directors for the last 4 years.

Mike Edwards:

Mike Edwards is a relative newcomer to the LLVM community, beginning his involvement just a few years ago while working for Sony Playstation. Finding the LLVM community to be an incredibly amazing and welcoming group of people, Mike knew he had to find a way to contribute. Mike’s previous work in DevOps led him to get involved in helping to work on the llvm.org infrastructure. Last year, with the help of the Board and several community members, Mike was able to get the llvm.org infrastructure moved onto a modern compute platform at Amazon Web Services. Mike is one of the maintainers of our llvm.org infrastructure.

Mike is currently working as a Software Engineer at Apple, Inc. working on the Continuous Integration and Quality Engineering efforts for LLVM and Clang development.

Hal Finkel:

Hal Finkel has been an active contributor to the LLVM project since 2011. He is the code owner for the PowerPC target, the alias-analysis infrastructure, and other components.

In addition to his numerous technical contributions, Hal has chaired the LLVM in HPC workshop, which is held in conjunction with Super Computing (SC), for the last five years. This workshop provides a venue for the presentation of peer-reviewed HPC-related researching LLVM from both industry and academia. He has also been involved in organizing an LLVM-themed BoF session at SC and LLVM socials in Austin.

Hal is Lead for Compiler Technology and Programming Languages at Argonne National Laboratory’s Leadership Computing Facility.

Arnaud de Grandmaison:

Arnaud de Grandmaison has been hacking on LLVM projects since 2008. In addition to his open source contributions, he has worked for many years on private out-of-tree LLVM-based projects at Parrot, DiBcom, or Arm. He has also been a leader in the European LLVM community by organizing the EuroLLVM Developers’ meeting, Paris socials, and chaired or participated in numerous program committees for the LLVM Developers’ Meetings and other LLVM related conferences.

Arnaud has attended numerous LLVM Developers’ meetings and volunteered as moderator or presented as well. He also moderates several LLVM mailing lists. Arnaud is also very involved in community wide discussions and decisions such as re-licensing and code of conduct.

Arnaud is a Senior Principal Engineer at Arm.

Anton Korobeynikov:

Anton Korobeynikov has been an active contributor to the LLVM project since 2006. Over the years, he has numerous technical contributions to areas including Windows support, ELF features, debug info, exception handling, and backends such as ARM and x86. He was the original author of the MSP430 and original System Z backend.

In addition to his technical contributions, Anton has maintained LLVM’s participation in Google Summer of Code by managing applications, deadlines, and overall organization. He also supports the LLVM infrastructure and has been on numerous program committees for the LLVM Developers’ Meetings (both US and EuroLLVM).

Anton is currently an associate professor at the Saint Petersburg State University and has served on the LLVM Foundation board of directors for the last 4 years.

Tanya Lattner:

Tanya Lattner has been involved in the LLVM project for over 14 years. She began as a graduate student who wrote her master's thesis using LLVM, and continued on using and extending LLVM technologies at various jobs during her career as a compiler engineer.

Tanya has been organizing the US LLVM Developers’ meeting since 2008 and attended every developer meeting. She was the LLVM release manager for 3 years, moderates the LLVM mailing lists, and helps administer the LLVM infrastructure servers, mailing lists, bugzilla, etc. Tanya has also been on the program committee for the US LLVM Developers’ meeting (4+ years) and the EuroLLVM Developers’ Meeting.

With the support of the initial board of directors, Tanya created the LLVM Foundation, defined its charitable and education mission, and worked to get 501(c)(3) status.

Tanya is the Chief Operating Officer and has served as the President of the LLVM Foundation board for the last 4 years.

Chris Lattner:

Chris Lattner is well known as the founder for the LLVM project and has a lengthy history of technical contributions to the project over the years. He drove much of the early implementation, architecture, and design of LLVM and Clang.

Chris has attended every LLVM Developers’ meeting, and presented at many of them. He helped drive the conception and incorporation of the LLVM Foundation, and has served as its secretary. Chris also grants commit access to the LLVM Project, moderates mailing lists, moderates and edits the LLVM blog, and drives important non-technical discussions and policy decisions related to the LLVM project.

Chris manages a team building machine learning infrastructure at Google and has served on the LLVM Foundation board of directors for the last 4 years.

John Regehr:

John Regehr has been involved in LLVM for a number of years. As a professor of computer science at the University of Utah, his research specializes in compiler correctness and undefined behavior. He is well known within the LLVM community for the hundreds of bug reports his group has reported to LLVM/Clang.

John was a project lead for IOC, a Clang based integer overflow checker that eventually became the basis for the integer parts of UBSan. He was also the primary developer of C-Reduce which utilizes Clang as a library and is often used as a test case reducer for compiler issues.

In addition to his technical contributions, John has served on several LLVM-related program committees. He also has a widely read blog about LLVM and other compiler-related issues (Embedded in Academia).

Tom Stellard:

Tom Stellard has been contributing to the LLVM project since 2012. He was the original author of the AMDGPU backend and was also an active contributor to libclc. He has been the LLVM project’s stable release manager since 2014.

Tom is currently a Software Engineer at Red Hat and is the technical lead for emerging toolchains including Clang/LLvm. He also maintains the LLVM packages for the Fedora project.

Integration of libc++ and OpenMP packages into llvm-toolchain

A bit more than a year ago, we gave an update about recent changes in apt.llvm.org. Since then, we noticed an important increase of the usage of the service. Just last month, we saw more than 16.5TB of data being transferred from our CDN.
Thanks to the Google Summer of Code 2018, and after number of requests, we decided to focus our energy to bring new great projects from the LLVM ecosystems into apt.llvm.org.

Starting from version 7, libc++, libc++abi and OpenMP packages are available into the llvm-toolchain packages. This means that, just like clang, lldb or lldb, libc++, libc++abi and OpenMP packages are also built, tested and shipped on https://apt.llvm.org/.

The integration focuses to preserve the current usage of these libraries. The newly merged packages have adopted the llvm-toolchain versioning:

libc++ packages
  • libc++1-7
  • libc++-7-dev
libc++abi packages
  • libc++abi1-7
  • libc++abi-7-dev
OpenMP packages
  • libomp5-7
  • libomp-7-dev
  • libomp-7-doc
This packages are built twice a day for trunk. For version 7, only when new changes happen in the SVN branches.
    Integration of libc++* packages

    Both libc++ and libc++abi packages are built at same time using the clang built during the process. The existing libc++ and libc++abi packages present in Debian and Ubuntu repositories will not be affected (they will be removed at some point). Newly integrated libcxx* packages are not co-installable with them.

    Symlinks have been provided from the original locations to keep the library usage same.

    Example:  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc++.so.1.0 -> /usr/lib/llvm-7/lib/libc++.so.1.0

    The usage of the libc++ remains super easy:
    $ clang++-7 -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ foo.cpp
    $ ldd ./a.out|grep libc++
      libc++.so.1 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc++.so.1 (0x00007f62a1a90000)
      libc++abi.so.1 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc++abi.so.1 (0x00007f62a1a59000)

    In order to test new developments in libc++, we are also building the experimental features.
    For example, the following command will work out of the box:

    $ clang++-7 -std=c++17 -stdlib=libc++ foo.cpp -lc++experimental -lc++fs

    Integration of OpenMP packages

    While OpenMP packages have been present in the Debian and Ubuntu archives for a while, only a single version of the package was available.

    For now, the newly integrated packages creates a symlink from /usr/lib/libomp.so.5 to /usr/lib/llvm-7/lib/libomp.so.5 keeping the current usage same and making them non co-installable.

    It can be used with clang through -fopenmp flag:
    $ clang -fopenmp foo.c

    The dependency packages providing the default libc++* and OpenMP package are also integrated in llvm-defaults. This means that the following command will install all these new packages at the current version:
    $ apt-get install libc++-dev libc++abi-dev libomp-dev

    LLVM 7 => 8 transition

    In parallel of the libc++ and OpenMP work,https://apt.llvm.org/ has been updated to reflect the branching of 7 from the trunk branches.
    Therefore, we have currently on the platform:


    Please note that, from version 7, the packages and libraries are called 7 (and not 7.0).
    For the rational and implementation, see https://reviews.llvm.org/D41869& https://reviews.llvm.org/D41808.

    Stable packages of LLVM toolchain are already officially available in Debian Buster and in Ubuntu Cosmic.

    Cosmic support

    In order to make sure that the LLVM toolchain does not have too many regressions with this new version, we also support the next Ubuntu version, 18.10, aka Cosmic.

    A Note on coinstallability

    We tried to make them coinstallable, in the resulting packages we had no control over the libraries used during the runtime. This could lead to many unforeseen issues. Keeping these in mind we settled to keep them conflicting with other versions.

    Future work
    • Code coverage build fails for newly integrated packages
    • Move to a 2 phases build to generate clang binary using clang

    Sources of the project are available on the gitlab instance of Debian: https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-llvm-team/llvm-toolchain/tree/7

    Reshabh Sharma & Sylvestre Ledru

    30% faster Windows builds with clang-cl and the new /Zc:dllexportInlines- flag



    In the course of adding Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC) compatible Windows support to Clang, we worked hard to make sure the dllexport and dllimport declspecs are handled the same way by Clang as by MSVC.

    dllexport and dllimport are used to specify what functions and variables should be externally accessible ("exported") from the currently compiled Dynamic-Link Library (DLL), or should be accessed ("imported") from another DLL. In the class declaration below, S::foo() will be exported when building a DLL:

    struct __declspec(dllexport) S {
    void foo() {}

    and code using that DLL would typically see a declaration like this:

    struct __declspec(dllimport) S {
    void foo() {}

    to indicate that the function is defined in and should be accessed from another DLL.

    Often the same declaration is used along with a preprocessor macro to flip between dllexport and dllimport, depending on whether a DLL is being built or consumed.

    The basic idea of dllexport and dllimport is simple, but the semantics get more complicated as they interact with more facets of the C++ language: templates, inheritance, different kinds of instantiation, redeclarations with different declspecs, and so on. Sometimes the semantics are surprising, but by now we think clang-cl gets most of them right. And as the old maxim goes, once you know the rules well, you can start tactfully breaking them.

    One issue with dllexport is that for inline functions such as S::foo() above, the compiler must emit the definition even if it's not used in the translation unit. That's because the DLL must export it, and the compiler cannot know if any other translation unit will provide a definition.

    This is very inefficient. A dllexported class with inline members in a header file will cause definitions of those members to be emitted in every translation unit that includes the header, directly or indirectly. And as we know, C++ source files often end up including a lot of headers. This behaviour is also different from non-Windows systems, where inline function definitions are not emitted unless they're used, even in shared objects and dynamic libraries.


    To address this problem, clang-cl recently gained a new command-line flag, /Zc:dllexportInlines- (MSVC uses the /Zc: prefix for language conformance options). The basic idea is simple: since the definition of an inline function is available along with its declaration, it's not necessary to import or export it from a DLL — the inline definition can be used directly. The effect of the flag is to not apply class-level dllexport/dllimport declspecs to inline member functions. In the two examples above, it means S::foo() would not be dllexported or dllimported, even though the S class is declared as such.

    This is very similar to the -fvisibility-inlines-hidden Clang and GCC flag used on non-Windows. For C++ projects with many inline functions, it can significantly reduce the set of exported functions, and thereby the symbol table and file size of the shared object or dynamic library, as well as program load time.

    On Windows however, the main benefit is not having to emit the unused inline function definitions. This means the compiler has to do much less work, and reduces object file size which in turn reduces the work for the linker. For Chrome, we saw 30 % faster full builds, 30 % shorter link times for blink_core.dll, and 40 % smaller total .obj file size.

    The reduction in .obj file size, combined with the enormous reduction in .lib files allowed by previously switching linkers to lld-link which uses thin archives, means that a typical Chrome build directory is now 60 % smaller than it would have been just a year ago.

    (Some of the same benefit can be had without this flag if the dllexport inline function comes from a pre-compiled header (PCH) file. In that case, the definition will be emitted in the object file when building the PCH, and so is not emitted elsewhere unless it's used.)


    Using /Zc:dllexportInlines- is "half ABI incompatible". If it's used to build a DLL, inline members will no longer be exported, so any code using the DLL must use the same flag to not dllimport those members. However, the reverse scenario generally works: a DLL compiled without the flag (such as a system DLL built with MSVC) can be referenced from code that uses the flag, meaning that the referencing code will use the inline definitions instead of importing them from the DLL.

    Like -fvisibility-inlines-hidden, /Zc:dllexportInlines- breaks the C++ language guarantee that (even an inline) function has a unique address within the program. When using these flags, an inline function will have a different address when used inside the library and outside.

    Also, these flags can lead to link errors when inline functions, which would normally be dllimported, refer to internal symbols of a DLL:

    void internal();

    struct __declspec(dllimport) S {
    void foo() { internal(); }

    Normally, references to S::foo() would use the definition in the DLL, which also contains the definition of internal(), but when using /Zc:dllexportInlines-, the inline definition of S::foo() is used directly, resulting in a link error since no definition of internal() can be found.

    Even worse, if there is an inline definition of internal() containing a static local variable, the program will now refer to a different instance of that variable than in the DLL:

    inline int internal() { static int x; return x++; }

    struct __declspec(dllimport) S {
    int foo() { return internal(); }

    This could lead to very subtle bugs. However, since Chrome already uses -fvisibility-inlines-hidden, which has the same potential problem, we believe this is not a common issue.


    /Zc:dllexportInlines- is like -fvisibility-inlines-hidden for DLLs and significantly reduces build times. We're excited that using Clang on Windows allows us to benefit from new features like this.

    More information

    For more information, see the User's Manual for /Zc:dllexportInlines-.

    The flag was added in Clang r346069, which will be part of the Clang 8 release expected in March 2019. It's also available in the Windows Snapshot Build.


    /Zc:dllexportInlines- was implemented by Takuto Ikuta based on a prototype by Nico Weber.

    EuroLLVM'19 developers' meeting program

    The LLVM Foundation is excited to announce the program for the EuroLLVM'19 developers' meeting (April 8 - 9 in Brussels / Belgium) !

    Technical talks
    Student Research Competition
    Lightning talks
    If you are interested in any of this talks, you should register to attend the EuroLLVM'19. Tickets are limited !

    More information about the EuroLLVM'19 is available here

    FOSDEM 2019 LLVM developer room report


    As well as at the LLVM developer meetings, the LLVM community is also present at a number of other events. One of those is FOSDEM, which has had a dedicated LLVM track since 2014.
    Earlier this February, the LLVM dev room was back for the 6th time.

    FOSDEM is one of the largest open source conferences, attracting over 8000 developers attending over 30 parallel tracks, occupying almost all space of the ULB university campus in Brussels.

    In comparison to the LLVM developer meetings, this dev room offers more of an opportunity to meet up with developers from a very wide range of open source projects.

    As in previous years, the LLVM dev room program consisted of presentations with a varied target audience, ranging from LLVM developers to LLVM users, including people not yet using LLVM but interested in discovering what can be done with it. 
    On the day itself, the room was completely packed for most presentations, often with people waiting outside to be able to enter for the next presentation.
    Slides and videos of the presentations are available via the links below

    Finally, I want to express my gratitude to the LLVM Foundation, which sponsored travel expenses for a few presenters who couldn't otherwise have made it to the conference.

    LLVM Numerics Blog

    Keywords: Numerics, Clang, LLVM-IR, : 2019 LLVM Developers' Meeting, LLVMDevMtg.

    The goal of this blog post is to start a discussion about numerics in LLVM – where we are, recent work and things that remain to be done.  There will be an informal discussion on numerics at the 2019 EuroLLVM conference next month. One purpose of this blog post is to refresh everyone's memory on where we are on the topic of numerics to restart the discussion.

    In the last year or two there has been a push to allow fine-grained decisions on which optimizations are legitimate for any given piece of IR.  In earlier days there were two main modes of operation: fast-math and precise-math.  When operating under the rules of precise-math, defined by IEEE-754, a significant number of potential optimizations on sequences of arithmetic instructions are not allowed because they could lead to violations of the standard.  

    For example: 

    The Reassociation optimization pass is generally not allowed under precise code generation as it can change the order of operations altering the creation of NaN and Inf values propagated at the expression level as well as altering precision.  

    Precise code generation is often overly restrictive, so an alternative fast-math mode is commonly used where all possible optimizations are allowed, acknowledging that this impacts the precision of results and possibly IEEE compliant behavior as well.  In LLVM, this can be enabled by setting the unsafe-math flag at the module level, or passing the -funsafe-math-optimizations to clang which then sets flags on the IR it generates.  Within this context the compiler often generates shorter sequences of instructions to compute results, and depending on the context this may be acceptable.  Fast-math is often used in computations where loss of precision is acceptable.  For example when computing the color of a pixel, even relatively low precision is likely to far exceed the perception abilities of the eye, making shorter instruction sequences an attractive trade-off.  In long-running simulations of physical events however loss of precision can mean that the simulation drifts from reality making the trade-off unacceptable.

    Several years ago LLVM IR instructions gained the ability of being annotated with flags that can drive optimizations with more granularity than an all-or-nothing decision at the module level.  The IR flags in question are: 

    nnan, ninf, nsz, arcp, contract, afn, reassoc, nsw, nuw, exact.  

    Their exact meaning is described in the LLVM Language Reference Manual.   When all the flags are are enabled, we get the current fast-math behavior.  When these flags are disabled, we get precise math behavior.  There are also several options available between these two models that may be attractive to some applications.  In the past year several members of the LLVM community worked on making IR optimizations passes aware of these flags.  When the unsafe-math module flag is not set these optimization passes will work by examining individual flags, allowing fine-grained selection of the optimizations that can be enabled on specific instruction sequences.  This allows vendors/implementors to mix fast and precise computations in the same module, aggressively optimizing some instruction sequences but not others.

    We now have good coverage of IR passes in the LLVM codebase, in particular in the following areas:
    * Intrinsic and libcall management
    * Instruction Combining and Simplification
    * Instruction definition
    * SDNode definition
    * GlobalIsel Combining and code generation
    * Selection DAG code generation
    * DAG Combining
    * Machine Instruction definition
    * IR Builders (SDNode, Instruction, MachineInstr)
    * CSE tracking
    * Reassociation
    * Bitcode

    There are still some areas that need to be reworked for modularity, including vendor specific back-end passes.  

    The following are some of the contributions mentioned above from the last 2 years of open source development:

    https://reviews.llvm.org/D45781 : MachineInst support mapping SDNode fast math flags for support in Back End code generation 
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D46322 : [SelectionDAG] propagate 'afn' and 'reassoc' from IR fast-math-flags
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D45710 : Fast Math Flag mapping into SDNode
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D46854 : [DAG] propagate FMF for all FPMathOperators
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D48180 : updating isNegatibleForFree and GetNegatedExpression with fmf for fadd
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D48057: easing the constraint for isNegatibleForFree and GetNegatedExpression
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D47954 : Utilize new SDNode flag functionality to expand current support for fdiv
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D47918 : Utilize new SDNode flag functionality to expand current support for fma
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D47909 : Utilize new SDNode flag functionality to expand current support for fadd
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D47910 : Utilize new SDNode flag functionality to expand current support for fsub
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D47911 : Utilize new SDNode flag functionality to expand current support for fmul
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D48289 : refactor of visitFADD for AllowNewConst cases
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D47388 : propagate fast math flags via IR on fma and sub expressions
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D47389 : guard fneg with fmf sub flags
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D47026 : fold FP binops with undef operands to NaN
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D47749 : guard fsqrt with fmf sub flags
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D46447 : Mapping SDNode flags to MachineInstr flags
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D50195 : extend folding fsub/fadd to fneg for FMF
    https://reviews.llvm.org/rL339197 : [NFC] adding tests for Y - (X + Y) --> -X
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D50417 : [InstCombine] fold fneg into constant operand of fmul/fdiv
    https://reviews.llvm.org/rL339357 : extend folding fsub/fadd to fneg for FMF
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D50996 : extend binop folds for selects to include true and false binops flag intersection
    https://reviews.llvm.org/rL339938 : add a missed case for binary op FMF propagation under select folds
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D51145 : Guard FMF context by excluding some FP operators from FPMathOperator
    https://reviews.llvm.org/rL341138 : adding initial intersect test for Node to Instruction association
    https://reviews.llvm.org/rL341565 : in preparation for adding nsw, nuw and exact as flags to MI
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D51738 : add IR flags to MI
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D52006 : Copy utilities updated and added for MI flags
    https://reviews.llvm.org/rL342598 : add new flags to a DebugInfo lit test
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D53874 : [InstSimplify] fold 'fcmp nnan oge X, 0.0' when X is not negative
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D55668 : Add FMF management to common fp intrinsics in GlobalIsel
    https://reviews.llvm.org/rL352396 : [NFC] TLI query with default(on) behavior wrt DAG combines for fmin/fmax target…
    https://reviews.llvm.org/rL316753 (Fold fma (fneg x), K, y -> fma x, -K, y)
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D57630 : Move IR flag handling directly into builder calls for cases translated from Instructions in GlobalIsel
    https://reviews.llvm.org/rL332756 : adding baseline fp fold tests for unsafe on and off
    https://reviews.llvm.org/rL334035 : NFC: adding baseline fneg case for fmf
    https://reviews.llvm.org/rL325832 : [InstrTypes] add frem and fneg with FMF creators
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D41342 : [InstCombine] Missed optimization in math expression: simplify calls exp functions
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D52087 : [IRBuilder] Fixup CreateIntrinsic to allow specifying Types to Mangle.
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D52075 : [InstCombine] Support (sub (sext x), (sext y)) --> (sext (sub x, y)) and (sub (zext x), (zext y)) --> (zext (sub x, y))
    https://reviews.llvm.org/rL338059 : [InstCombine] fold udiv with common factor from muls with nuw
    Commit: e0ab896a84be9e7beb59874b30f3ac51ba14d025 : [InstCombine] allow more fmul folds with ‘reassoc'
    Commit: 3e5c120fbac7bdd4b0ff0a3252344ce66d5633f9 : [InstCombine] distribute fmul over fadd/fsub
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D37427 : [InstCombine] canonicalize fcmp ord/uno with constants to null constant
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D40130 : [InstSimplify] fold and/or of fcmp ord/uno when operand is known nnan
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D40150 : [LibCallSimplifier] fix pow(x, 0.5) -> sqrt() transforms
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D39642 : [ValueTracking] readnone is a requirement for converting sqrt to llvm.sqrt; nnan is not
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D39304 : [IR] redefine 'reassoc' fast-math-flag and add 'trans' fast-math-flag
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D41333 : [ValueTracking] ignore FP signed-zero when detecting a casted-to-integer fmin/fmax pattern
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D5584 : Optimize square root squared (PR21126)
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D42385 : [InstSimplify] (X * Y) / Y --> X for relaxed floating-point ops
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D43160 : [InstSimplify] allow exp/log simplifications with only 'reassoc’ FMF
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D43398 : [InstCombine] allow fdiv folds with less than fully 'fast’ ops
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D44308 : [ConstantFold] fp_binop AnyConstant, undef --> NaN
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D43765 : [InstSimplify] loosen FMF for sqrt(X) * sqrt(X) --> X
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D44521 : [InstSimplify] fp_binop X, NaN --> NaN
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D47202 : [CodeGen] use nsw negation for abs
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D48085 : [DAGCombiner] restrict (float)((int) f) --> ftrunc with no-signed-zeros
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D48401 : [InstCombine] fold vector select of binops with constant ops to 1 binop (PR37806)
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D39669 : DAG: Preserve nuw when reassociating adds
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D39417 : InstCombine: Preserve nuw when reassociating nuw ops
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D51753 : [DAGCombiner] try to convert pow(x, 1/3) to cbrt(x)
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D51630 : [DAGCombiner] try to convert pow(x, 0.25) to sqrt(sqrt(x))
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D53650 : [FPEnv] Last BinaryOperator::isFNeg(...) to m_FNeg(...) changes
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D54001: [ValueTracking] determine sign of 0.0 from select when matching min/max FP
    https://reviews.llvm.org/D51942: [InstCombine] Fold (C/x)>0 into x>0 if possible
    https://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk@348016 : [SelectionDAG] fold FP binops with 2 undef operands to undef
    http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?view=revision&revision=346242 : propagate fast-math-flags when folding fcmp+fpext, part 2
    http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?view=revision&revision=346240: propagate fast-math-flags when folding fcmp+fpext
    http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?view=revision&revision=346238 : [InstCombine] propagate fast-math-flags when folding fcmp+fneg, part 2
    http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?view=revision&revision=346169: [InstSimplify] fold select (fcmp X, Y), X, Y
    http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?view=revision&revision=346234: propagate fast-math-flags when folding fcmp+fneg
    http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?view=revision&revision=346147: [InstCombine] canonicalize -0.0 to +0.0 in fcmp
    http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?view=revision&revision=346143: [InstCombine] loosen FP 0.0 constraint for fcmp+select substitution
    http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?view=revision&revision=345734 : [InstCombine] refactor fabs+fcmp fold; NFC
    http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?view=revision&revision=345728: [InstSimplify] fold 'fcmp nnan ult X, 0.0' when X is not negative
    http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?view=revision&revision=345727: [InstCombine] add assertion that InstSimplify has folded a fabs+fcmp; NFC

    While multiple people have been working on finer-grained control over fast-math optimizations and other relaxed numerics modes, there has also been some initial progress on adding support for more constrained numerics models. There has been considerable progress towards adding and enabling constrained floating-point intrinsics to capture FENV_ACCESS ON and similar semantic models.

    These experimental constrained intrinsics prohibit certain transforms that are not safe if the default floating-point environment is not in effect. Historically, LLVM has in practice basically “split the difference” with regard to such transforms; they haven’t been explicitly disallowed, as LLVM doesn’t model the floating-point environment, but they have been disabled when they caused trouble for tests or software projects. The absence of a formal model for licensing these transforms constrains our ability to enable them. Bringing language and backend support for constrained intrinsics across the finish line will allow us to include transforms that we disable as a matter of practicality today, and allow us to give developers an easy escape valve (in the form of FENV_ACCESS ON and similar language controls) when they need more precise control, rather than an ad-hoc set of flags to pass to the driver.

    We should discuss these new intrinsics to make sure that they can capture the right models for all the languages that LLVM supports.

    Here are some possible discussion items:

    • Should specialization be applied at the call level for edges in a call graph where the caller has special context to extend into the callee wrt to flags?
    • Should the inliner apply something similar to calls that meet inlining criteria?
    • What other part(s) of the compiler could make use of IR flags that are currently not covered?
    • What work needs to be done regarding code debt wrt current areas of implementation.

    LLVM and Google Season of Docs

    The LLVM Project is pleased to announce that we have been selected to participate in Google’s Season of Docs!

    Our project idea list may be found here:

    From now until May 29th, technical writers are encouraged to review the proposed project ideas and to ask any questions you have on our gsdocs@llvm.org mailing list. Other documentation ideas are allowed, but we can not guarantee that a mentor will be found for the project. You are encouraged to discuss new ideas on the mailing list prior to submitting your technical writer application, in order to start the process of finding a mentor.

    When submitting your application for an LLVM documentation project, please consider the following:

    • Include Prior Experience: Do you have prior technical writing experience? We want to see this! Considering including links to prior documentation or attachments of documentation you have written. If you can’t include a link to the actual documentation, please describe in detail what you wrote, who the audience was, and any other important information that can help us gauge your prior experience. Please also include any experience with Sphinx or other documentation generation tools.
    • Take your time writing the proposal: We will be looking closely at your application to see how well it is written. Take the time to proofread and know who your audience is.
    • Propose your plan for our documentation project: We have given a rough idea of what changes or topics we envision for the documentation, but this is just a start. We expect you to take the idea and expand or modify it as you see fit. Review our existing documentation and see how it would compliment or replace other pieces. Optionally include an overview or document design or layout plan in your application.
    • Become familiar with our project: We don’t expect you to become a compiler expert, but we do expect you read up on our project to learn a bit about LLVM.

    We look forward to working with some fabulous technical writers and improving our documentation. Again, please email gsdocs@llvm.org with your questions.

    The LLVM Project is Moving to GitHub


    The LLVM Project is Moving to GitHub

    After several years of discussion and planning, the LLVM project is getting ready to complete the migration of its source code from SVN to GitHub!  At last year’s developer meeting, many interested community members convened at a series of round tables to lay out a plan to completely migrate LLVM source code from SVN to GitHub by the 2019 U.S. Developer’s Meeting.  We have made great progress over the last nine months and are on track to complete the migration on October 21, 2019.

    As part of the migration to GitHub we are maintaining the ‘monorepo’ layout which currently exists in SVN.  This means that there will be a single git repository with one top-level directory for each LLVM sub-project.  This will be a change for those of you who are already using git and accessing the code via the official sub-project git mirrors (e.g. https://git.llvm.org/git/llvm.git) where each sub-project has its own repository.

    One of the first questions people ask when they hear about the GitHub plans is: Will the project start using GitHub pull requests and issues?  And the answer to that for now is: no. The current transition plan focuses on migrating only the source code. We will continue to use Phabricator for code reviews, and bugzilla for issue tracking after the migration is complete.  We have not ruled out using pull requests and issues at some point in the future, but these are discussions we still need to have as a community.

    The most important takeaway from this post, though, is that if you consume the LLVM source code in any way, you need to take action now to migrate your workflows.  If you manage any continuous integration or other systems that need read-only access to the LLVM source code, you should begin pulling from the official GitHub repository instead of SVN or the current sub-project mirrors.  If you are a developer that needs to commit code, please use the git-llvm script for committing changes.

    We have created a status page, if you want to track the current progress of the migration.  We will be posting updates to this page as we get closer to the completion date.  If you run into issues of any kind with GitHub you can file a bug in bugzilla and mark it as a blocker of the github tracking bug.

    This entire process has been a large community effort.  Many many people have put in time discussing, planning, and implementing all the steps required to make this happen.  Thank you to everyone who has been involved and let’s keep working to make this migration a success.

    Blog post by Tom Stellard.

    Announcing the program for the 2019 LLVM Developers' Meeting - Bay Area

    Announcing the program for the 2019 LLVM Developers' Meeting in San Jose, CA! This program is the largest we have ever had and has over 11 tutorials, 29 technical talks, 24 lightning talks, 2 panels, 3 birds of a feather, 14 posters, and 4 SRC talks. Be sure to register to attend this event and hear some of these great talks.

    Technical Talks
    Student Research Competition
    Birds of a Feather
    Lightning Talks

    Closing the gap: cross-language LTO between Rust and C/C++

    Link time optimization (LTO) is LLVM's way of implementing whole-program optimization. Cross-language LTO is a new feature in the Rust compiler that enables LLVM's link time optimization to be performed across a mixed C/C++/Rust codebase. It is also a feature that beautifully combines two respective strengths of the Rust programming language and the LLVM compiler platform:
    • Rust, with its lack of a language runtime and its low-level reach, has an almost unique ability to seamlessly integrate with an existing C/C++ codebase, and
    • LLVM, as a language agnostic foundation, provides a common ground where the source language a particular piece of code was written in does not matter anymore.
    So, what does cross-language LTO do? There are two answers to that:
    • From a technical perspective it allows for codebases to be optimized without regard for implementation language boundaries, making it possible for important optimizations, such as function inlining, to be performed across individual compilation units even if, for example, one of the compilation units is written in Rust while the other is written in C++.
    • From a psychological perspective, which arguably is just as important, it helps to alleviate the nagging feeling of inefficiency that many performance conscious developers might have when working on a piece of software that jumps back and forth a lot between functions implemented in different source languages.
    Because Firefox is a large, performance sensitive codebase with substantial parts written in Rust, cross-language LTO has been a long-time favorite wish list item among Firefox developers. As a consequence, we at Mozilla's Low Level Tools team took it upon ourselves to implement it in the Rust compiler.

    To explain how cross-language LTO works it is useful to take a step back and review how traditional compilation and "regular" link time optimization work in the LLVM world.

    Background - A bird's eye view of the LLVM compilation pipeline

    Clang and the Rust compiler both follow a similar compilation workflow which, to some degree, is prescribed by LLVM:
    1. The compiler front-end generates an LLVM bitcode module (.bc) for each compilation unit. In C and C++ each source file will result in a single compilation unit. In Rust each crate is translated into at least one compilation unit.

      .c --clang--> .bc

      .c --clang--> .bc

      .rs --+
      .rs --+--rustc--> .bc
      .rs --+

    2. In the next step, LLVM's optimization pipeline will optimize each LLVM module in isolation:

      .c --clang--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt)

      .c --clang--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt)

      .rs --+
      .rs --+--rustc--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt)
      .rs --+

    3. LLVM then lowers each module into machine code so that we get one object file per module:

      .c --clang--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt) --LLVM--> .o

      .c --clang--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt) --LLVM--> .o

      .rs --+
      .rs --+--rustc--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt) --LLVM--> .o
      .rs --+

    4. Finally, the linker will take the set of object files and link them together into a binary:

      .c --clang--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt) --LLVM--> .o ------+
      .c --clang--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt) --LLVM--> .o ------+
      +--ld--> bin
      .rs --+ |
      | |
      .rs --+--rustc--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt) --LLVM--> .o --+
      .rs --+

    This is the regular compilation workflow if no kind of LTO is involved. As you can see, each compilation unit is optimized in isolation. The optimizer does not know the definition of functions inside of other compilation units and thus cannot inline them or make other kinds of decisions based on what they actually do. To enable inlining and optimizations to happen across compilation unit boundaries, LLVM supports link time optimization.

    Link time optimization in LLVM

    The basic principle behind LTO is that some of LLVM's optimization passes are pushed back to the linking stage. Why the linking stage? Because that is the point in the pipeline where the entire program (i.e. the whole set of compilation units) is available at once and thus optimizations across compilation unit boundaries become possible. Performing LLVM work at the linking stage is facilitated via a plugin to the linker.

    Here is how LTO is concretely implemented:
    • the compiler translates each compilation unit into LLVM bitcode (i.e. it skips lowering to machine code),
    • the linker, via the LLVM linker plugin, knows how to read LLVM bitcode modules like regular object files, and
    • the linker, again via the LLVM linker plugin, merges all bitcode modules it encounters and then runs LLVM optimization passes before doing the actual linking.
    With these capabilities in place a new compilation workflow with LTO enabled for C++ code looks like this:

    .c --clang--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt) ------------------+ - - +
    | |
    .c --clang--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt) ------------------+ - - +
    | |
    +-ld+LLVM--> bin
    .rs --+ |
    | |
    .rs --+--rustc--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt) --LLVM--> .o -+
    .rs --+

    As you can see our Rust code is still compiled to a regular object file. Therefore, the Rust code is opaque to the optimization taking place at link time. Yet, looking at the diagram it seems like that shouldn't be too hard to change, right?

    Cross-language link time optimization

    Implementing cross-language LTO is conceptually simple because the feature is built on the shoulders of giants. Since the Rust compiler uses LLVM all the important building blocks are readily available. The final diagram looks very much as you would expect, with rustc emitting optimized LLVM bitcode and the LLVM linker plugin incorporating that into the LTO process with the rest of the modules:

    .c --clang--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt) ---------+
    .c --clang--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt) ---------+
    +-ld+LLVM--> bin
    .rs --+ |
    | |
    .rs --+--rustc--> .bc --LLVM--> .bc (opt) -----+
    .rs --+

    Nonetheless, achieving a production-ready implementation still turned out to be a significant time investment. After figuring out how everything fits together, the main challenge was to get the Rust compiler to produce LLVM bitcode that was compatible with both the bitcode that Clang produces and with what the linker plugin would accept. Some of the issues we ran into where:
    • The Rust compiler and Clang are both based on LLVM but they might be using different versions of LLVM. This was further complicated by the fact that Rust's LLVM version often does not match a specific LLVM release, but can be an arbitrary revision from LLVM's repository. We learned that all LLVM versions involved really have to be a close match in order for things to work out. The Rust compiler's documentation now offers a compatibility table for the various versions of Rust and Clang.
    • The Rust compiler by default performs a special form of LTO, called ThinLTO, on all compilation units of the same crate before passing them on to the linker. We quickly learned, however, that the LLVM linker plugin crashes with a segmentation fault when trying to perform another round of ThinLTO on a module that had already gone through the process. No problem, we thought and instructed the Rust compiler to disable its own ThinLTO pass when compiling for the cross-language case and indeed everything was fine -- until the segmentation faults mysteriously returned a few weeks later even though ThinLTO was still disabled.

      We noticed that the problem only occurred in a specific, presumably innocent setting: again two passes of LTO needed to happen, this time the first was a regular LTO pass within rustc and the output of that would then be fed into ThinLTO within the linker plugin. This setup, although computationally expensive, was desirable because it produced faster code and allowed for better dead-code elimination on the Rust side. And in theory it should have worked just fine. Yet somehow rustc produced symbol names that had apparently gone through ThinLTO's mangling even though we checked time and again that ThinLTO was disabled for Rust. We were beginning to seriously question our understanding of LLVM's inner workings as the problem persisted while we slowly ran out of ideas on how to debug this further.

      You can picture the proverbial lightbulb appearing over our heads when we figured out that Rust's pre-compiled standard library would still have ThinLTO enabled, no matter the compiler settings we were using for our tests. The standard library, including its LLVM bitcode representation, is compiled as part of Rust's binary distribution so it is always compiled with the settings from Rust's build servers. Our local full LTO pass within rustc would then pull this troublesome bitcode into the output module which in turn would make the linker plugin crash again. Since then ThinLTO is turned off for libstd by default.
    • After the above fixes, we succeeded in compiling the entirety of Firefox with cross-language LTO enabled. Unfortunately, we discovered that no actual cross-language optimizations were happening. Both Clang and rustc were producing LLVM bitcode and LLD produced functioning Firefox binaries, but when looking at the machine code, not even trivial functions were being inlined across language boundaries. After days of debugging (and unfortunately without being aware of LLVM's optimization remarks at the time) it turned out that Clang was emitting a target-cpu attribute on all functions while rustc didn't, which made LLVM reject inlining opportunities.

      In order to prevent the feature from silently regressing for similar reasons in the future we put quite a bit of effort into extending the Rust compiler's testing framework and CI. It is now able to compile and run a compatible version of Clang and uses that to perform end-to-end tests of cross-language LTO, making sure that small functions will indeed get inlined across language boundaries.
    This list could still go on for a while, with each additional target platform holding new surprises to be dealt with. We had to progress carefully by putting in regression tests at every step in order to keep the many moving parts in check. At this point, however, we feel confident in the underlying implementation, with Firefox providing a large, complex, multi-platform test case where things have been working well for several months now.

    Using cross-language LTO: a minimal example

    The exact build tool invocations differ depending on whether it is rustc or Clang performing the final linking step, and whether Rust code is compiled via Cargo or via rustc directly. Rust's compiler documentation describes the various cases. The simplest of them, where rustc directly produces a static library and Clang does the linking, looks as follows:

    # Compile the Rust static library, called "xyz"
    rustc --crate-type=staticlib -O -C linker-plugin-lto -o libxyz.a lib.rs

    # Compile the C code with "-flto"
    clang -flto -c -O2 main.c

    # Link everything
    clang -flto -O2 main.o -L . -lxyz

    The -C linker-plugin-lto option instructs the Rust compiler to emit LLVM bitcode which then can be used for both "full" and "thin" LTO. Getting things set up for the first time can be quite cumbersome because, as already mentioned, all compilers and the linker involved must be compatible versions. In theory, most major linkers will work; in practice LLD seems to be the most reliable one on Linux, with Gold in second place and the BFD linker needing to be at least version 2.32. On Windows and macOS the only linkers properly tested are LLD and ld64 respectively. For ld64 Firefox uses a patched version because the LLVM bitcode that rustc produces likes to trigger a pre-existing issue this linker has with ThinLTO.


    Cross-language LTO has been enabled for Firefox release builds on Windows, macOS, and Linux for several months at this point and we at Mozilla's Low Level Tools team are pleased with how it turned out. While we still need to work on making the initial setup of the feature easier, it already enabled removing duplicated logic from Rust components in Firefox because now code can simply call into the equivalent C++ implementation and rely on those calls to be inlined. Having cross-language LTO in place and continuously tested will definitely lower the psychological bar for implementing new components in Rust, even if they are tightly integrated with existing C++ code.

    Cross-language LTO is available in the Rust compiler since version 1.34 and works together with Clang 8. Feel free to give it a try and report any problems in the Rust bug tracker.


    I'd like to thank my Low Level Tools team colleagues David Major, Eric Rahm, and Nathan Froyd for their invaluable help and encouragement, and I'd like to thank Alex Crichton for his tireless reviews on the Rust side.

    Deterministic builds with clang and lld

    Deterministic builds can lower continuous integration costs and give you more confidence in your build and test process. This post outlines what it means for a build to be deterministic, the advantages of deterministic builds, and how to achieve them using LLVM tools.

    What is a deterministic build, and its advantages

    A build is called deterministic or reproducible if running it twice produces exactly the same build outputs.

    There are several degrees of build determinism that are increasingly useful but increasingly difficult to achieve:

    1. Basic determinism: Doing a full build of the same source code in the same directory on the same machine produces exactly the same output every time, in the sense that a content hash of the final build artifacts and of all intermediate files does not change.
    • Once you have this, if all your builders are configured the same way (OS version, toolchain, build path, checkout path, …), they can share build artifacts, for example by using distcc.
    • This also allows local caching of test suite results keyed by a hash of test binary and test input files.
    • Illustrative example: ./build src out ; mv out out.old ; ./build src out ; diff -r out out.old
  • Incremental basic determinism: Like basic determinism, but the output binaries also don’t change in partial rebuilds. In build systems that track file modification times to decide when to rebuild, this means for example that updating the modification time on a C++ source file (without doing any actual changes) and rebuilding will produce the same output as a full build.
    • This allows having build bots that don’t do full builds each time, while still allowing caching of compile artifacts and test results.
    • Illustrative example: ./build src out ; cp -r out out.old ; touch src/foo.c ; ./build src out ; diff -r out out.old
  • Local determinism: Like incremental basic determinism, but builds are also independent of the name of the build directory. Builds of the same source code on the same machine produce exactly the same output every time, independent of the location of the source checkout directory or the build directory.
    • This allows machines to have several build directories at different locations but still share compile and test caches.
    • Illustrative example: cp -r src src2 ; ./build src out ; ./build src2 out2 ; diff -r out out2
  • Universal determinism: Like 3, but builds are also independent of the machine the build runs on. Everybody that checks out the project at a given revision into any directory and builds it following the build instructions ends up with exactly the same bits in the build output.
    • Since exact local OS and locally installed packages no longer matter, this allows devs to share compile and test caches with bots, without having to use difficult-to-setup containers.
    • It also allows easy verification of builds done by others to make sure output binaries haven’t been tampered with.
    • Illustrative example: ./build src out ; ssh remote ./build src out && scp remote:out out2 ; diff -r out out2

    Plan of attack

    To make sure that a deterministic build stays deterministic, you should set up a builder that verifies that your build is deterministic. Even if your build isn’t deterministic yet, you can set up a bot that verifies that some parts of your build are deterministic and then expand the checks over time.

    For example, you could have a bot that does a full build in a fixed build directory, then moves the build artifacts out of the way, and does another full build, and once your compiles have basic determinism, add a step that checks that object files between the two builds directories are the same. You could even add incremental checking for specific subdirectories or build targets while you work towards full basic determinism.

    Once your links are deterministic, check that binaries are identical as well. Once all your build steps are deterministic, compare all files in the two build directories.

    Once your build has incremental determinism, do an incremental build for the first build and a full build for the second build. Once your build has local determinism, do the two builds at different build paths.

    Getting to basic determinism

    Basic determinism needs tools (compiler, linker, etc) that are deterministic. Tools internally must not output things in hash table order, multi-threaded programs must not write output in the order threads finish, etc. All of LLVM’s tools have deterministic outputs when run with the right flags but not necessarily by default.

    The C standard defines the predefined macros __TIME__ and __DATE__ that expand to the time a source file is compiled. Several compilers, including clang, also define the non-standard __TIMESTAMP__. This is inherently nondeterministic. You should not use these macros, and you can use -Wdate-time to make the compiler emit a warning when they are used.

    If they are used in third-party code you don’t control, you can use-Wno-builtin-macro-redefined -D__DATE__= -D__TIME__= -D__TIMESTAMP__= to make them expand to nothing.

    When targeting Windows, clang and clang-cl by default also embed the current time in a timestamp field in the output .obj file, because Microsoft’s link.exe in /incremental mode silently mislinks files if that field isn’t set correctly. If you don’t use link.exe’s /incremental flag, or if you link with lld-link, you should pass /Brepro to clang-cl to make it not write the current timestamp into its output.

    Both link.exe and lld-link also write the current timestamp into output .dll or .exe files. To make them instead write a hash of the binary into this field, you can pass /Brepro to the linker as well. However, some tools, such as Windows 7’s app compatibility database, try to interpret that field as an actual timestamp and can get confused if it’s set to a hash of the binary. For this case, lld-link also offers a /timestamp: flag that you can give an explicit timestamp that’s written into the output. You could use this to for example write the time of the commit the code is built at instead of the current time to make it deterministic. (But see the footnote on embedding commit hashes below.)

    Visual Studio’s assemblers ml.exe and ml64.exe also insist on writing the current time into their output. In situations like this, where you can’t easily fix the tool to write the right output in the first place, you need to write wrappers that fix up the file after the fact. As an example, ml.py is the wrapper the Chromium project uses to make ml’s output deterministic.

    macOS’s libtool and ld64 also insist on writing timestamps into their outputs. You can set the environment variable ZERO_AR_DATE to 1 in a wrapper to make their output deterministic, but that confuses lldb of older Xcode versions.

    Gcc sometimes uses random numbers in certain symbol mangling situations. Clang does not do this, so there’s no need to pass -frandom-seed to clang.

    It’s a good idea to make your build independent of environment variables as much as possible, so that accidental local changes in the environment don’t affect the build output. You should pass /X to clang-cl to make it ignore %INCLUDE% and explicitly pass system include directories via the -imsvc switch instead. Likewise, very new lld-link versions (LLVM 10 and newer, at the time of this writing still unreleased) understand the flag /lldignoreenv flag, which makes lld-link ignore the %LIB% environment variable; explicitly pass system library directories via /libpath:.

    Footnote on embedding git hashes into the binary
    It might be tempting to embed the git commit hash or svn revision that a binary was built at into the binary’s --version output, or use the revision as a cache key to invalidate on-disk caches when the version changes.

    This doesn’t affect your build’s determinism, but it does affect the hit rate if you’re using deterministic builds to cache test run results. If your binary embeds the current commit, it is guaranteed to change on every single commit, and you won’t be able to cache test results across commits. Even commits that just fix typos in comments, add non-code documentation, or that only affect code used by some but not all of your binaries will change every binary.

    For cache invalidation, consider using something finer-grained, such as only the latest commit of the directory containing the cache handling code, or the hash of all source files containing the cache handling code.

    For --version output, if your build is fully deterministic, the hash of the binary itself (and its dynamic library dependencies) can serve as a stable version identifier. You can keep a map of binary hash to all commit hashes that produce that binary somewhere.

    Windows only: For the same reason, just using the timestamp of the latest commit as a /timestamp: might not be the best option. Rounding the timestamp of the latest commit to 6h (or similar) granularity is a possible approach for not having the timestamp change the binary on every commit, while still keeping the timestamp close to reality. For production builds, the symbol server key for binaries is a (executable size, timestamp) pair, so here having fairly granular timestamps is important to not map binaries from consecutive commits to the same symbol server key. Depending on how often you push production binaries to your symbol servers, you might want to use the timestamp of the latest commit as /timestamp: for official builds, or you might want to round to finer granularity than you do on dev builds.

    Getting to incremental determinism

    Having deterministic incremental builds mostly requires having correct incremental builds, meaning that if a file is changed and the build reruns, everything that uses this file needs to be rebuilt.

    This is very build system dependent, so this post can’t say much about it.

    In general, every build step needs to correctly declare all the inputs it depends on.

    Some tools, such as Visual Studio’s link.exe in /incremental mode, by design write a different output every time. Don’t use inherently incrementally non-deterministic tools like that if you care about build determinism.

    The build should not depend on environment variables, since build systems usually don’t model dependencies on environment variables.

    Getting to local determinism

    Making build outputs independent of the names of the checkout or build directory means that build outputs must not contain absolute paths, or relative paths that contain the name of either directory.

    A possible way to arrange for that is to put all build directories into the checkout directory. For example, if your code is at path/to/src, then you could have “out” in your .gitignore and build directories at path/to/src/out/debug, path/to/src/out/release, and so on. The relative path from each build artifact to the source is with “../../” followed by the path of the source file in the source directory, which is identical for each build directory.

    The C standard defines the predefined macro __FILE__ that expands to the name of the current source file. Clang expands this to an absolute path if it is invoked with an absolute path (`clang -c /absolute/path/to/my/file.cc`), and to a relative path if it is invoked with a relative path (`clang ../../path/to/my/file.cc`). To make your build locally deterministic, pass relative paths to your .cc files to clang.

    By default, clang will internally use absolute paths to refer to compiler-internal headers. Pass -no-canonical-prefixes to make clang use relative paths for these internal files.

    Passing relative paths to clang makes clang expand __FILE__ to a relative path, but paths in debug information are still absolute by default. Pass -fdebug-compilation-dir . to make paths in debug information relative to the build directory. (Before LLVM 9, this is an internal clang flag that must be used as `-Xclang -fdebug-compilation-dir -Xclang .`) When using clang’s integrated assembler (the default), -Wa,-fdebug-compilation-dir,. will do the same for object files created from assembly input. (For ml.exe / ml64.exe, see the script linked to from the “Basic determinism” section above.)

    Using this means that debuggers won’t automatically find the source code belonging to your binary. At the moment, there’s no way to tell debuggers to resolve relative paths relative to the location of the binary (DWARF proposal, gdb patch). See the end of this section for how to configure common debuggers to work correctly.

    There are a few flags that try to make compilers produce relative paths in outputs even if the filename passed to the compiler is absolute (-fdebug-prefix-map, -ffile-prefix-map, -fmacro-prefix-map). Do not use these flags.
    • They work by adding lhs=rhs replacement patterns, and the lhs must be an absolute path to remove the absolute path from the output. That means that while they make the compile output path-independent, they make the compile command itself path-dependent, which hinders distributed compile caching. With -grecord-gcc-switches or -frecord-gcc-switches the compile command is embedded in debug info or even the object file itself, so in that case the flags even break local determinism. (Both -grecord-gcc-switches and -frecord-gcc-switches default to false in clang.)
    • They don’t affect the paths in dwo files when using fission; passing relative paths to the compiler is the only way to make these paths relative.
    On Windows, it’s very unusual to have PDBs with relative paths. You can pass /pdbsourcepath:X:\fake\prefix to lld-link to make it resolve all relative paths in object files against a fixed absolute path to make sure your final PDBs contain absolute paths. Since the absolute path is against a fixed prefix, this doesn’t impair determinism. With this, both binaries and PDBs created by clang-cl and lld-link will be fully deterministic and build path independent.

    Also on Windows, the linker by default puts the absolute path the to the generated PDB file in the output binary. Pass /pdbaltpath:%_PDB% when you pass /debug to make the linker write a relative path to the generated PDB file instead. If you have custom build steps that extract PDB names from binaries, you have to make sure these scripts work with relative paths. Microsoft’s tools (debuggers, ETW) work fine with this set in most situations, and you can add a symbol search path in the cases where they don’t (when the binaries are copied before being run).

    Getting debuggers to work well with locally deterministic builds
    At the moment, no debugger offers an option to resolve relative paths in debug info against the directory the debugged binary is in.

    Some debuggers (gdb, lldb) do try to resolve relative paths against the cwd, so a simple way to make debugging work is to cd into your build directory before debugging.

    If you don’t want to require devs to cd into the build directory for debugging to work, you have to do debugger-specific configuration tweaks.

    To make sure devs don’t miss this, you could have your custom init script set an env var and query if it’s set early during your test binary startup, and exit with a message like “Add `source /path/to/your/project/gdbinit` to your ~/.gdbinit” if the environment variable isn’t set.

    `dir path/to/build/dir` tells gdb what directory to resolve relative paths against.

    `show debug-file-directory` prints the list of directories gdb looks in for dwo files. Query that, append `:path/to/build/dir`, and call `set debug-file-directory` to add your build dir to that search path.

    For an example, see Chromium’s gdbinit (which also does a few other unrelated things).

    `settings set target.source-map ../.. /absolute/path/to/build/dir` can map the “../..” prefix that all .cc files will refer to when using the setup described above with an absolute path. This requires Xcode 10.3 or newer; the lldb shipping with Xcode 10.1 has problems with this setup.

    For an example, see Chromium’s lldbinit.

    Visual Studio’s debugger and windbg
    If you use the setup described above,  /PDBSourcePath:X:\fake\prefix will combine with the “..\..\my\file.cc” relative paths to make your code appear at “X:\my\file.cc”. To make Windows debuggers find them, you have two options:
    1. Run `subst X: C:\src\real\root` in cmd.exe before launching the debuggers to create a virtual drive that maps X: to the actual source location. Both windbg and Visual Studio will load code over X: this way.
    2. Add “C:\src\real\root” to each debugger’s source search path.
    • Windbg: Run `.srcpath+ C:\src\real\root`. You can also set this via the _NT_SOURCE_PATH  environment variable, or via  File->Source File Path (Ctrl+P). Or pass `-srcpath C:\src\real\root` when launching windbg from the command line.
    • Visual Studio: The IDE has a “Debug Source Files” property. Add C:\src\real\root to “Directories containing source code” to Project->Properties (Alt+F7)->Common Properties->Debug Source Files->Directories containing source code.
    Alternatively, you could pass the absolute path to the actual build directory to /PDBSourcePath: instead of something like “X:\fake\prefix”. That way, all PDBs have “correct” absolute paths in them, while your compile steps are still path-independent and can share a cache across machines. However, since executables contain a reference to the PDB hash, none of your binaries will be path-independent. This setup doesn’t require any debugger configuration, but it doesn’t allow your builds to be locally deterministic.

    Getting to universal determinism

    By now, your build output is deterministic as long as everyone uses the same compiler, and linker binaries, and as long as everyone uses the version of the SDK and system libraries.

    Making your build independent of that requires making sure that everyone automatically uses the same compiler, linker, and SDK.

    This might seem like a lot of work, but in addition to build determinism this work also gives you cross builds (where you can e.g. build the Linux version of your product on a Windows host).

    It also versions the compiler, linker, and SDK used within your code, which means you will be able to update all your bots and devs to new versions automatically (and if an update causes issues, it’s easy to revert it).

    You need to store the currently-used compiler, linker, and SDK versions in a file in your source control repository, and from some kind of hook that runs after pulling the newest version of the source, download compiler, linker, and SDK of the right version from some kind of cloud storage service.

    You then need to modify your build files to use --sysroot (Linux), -isysroot (macOS), -imsvc (Windows) to use these hermetic SDKs for builds. They need to be somewhere below your source root to not regress build directory name invariance.

    You also want to make sure your build doesn’t depend on environment variables, as already mentioned in the “Getting to incremental determinism”, since environments between different machines can be very different and difficult to control.

    Build steps shouldn’t embed the hostname of the current machine or the logged-in user name in the build output, or similar.


    This post explained what deterministic builds are, how build determinism spans a spectrum (local, fixed-build-dir-path-only to fully host-OS-independent) instead of just being binary, and how you can use LLVM’s tools to make your build deterministic. It also touched on techniques you can use to make your test caches more effective.

    Thanks to Elly Fong-Jones for helping edit and structure this post, and to Adrian McCarthy, Bob Haarman, Bruce Dawson, Dirk Pranke, Fumitoshi Ukai, Hans Wennborg, Kai Naschinski, Reid Kleckner, Rui Ueyama, and Takuto Ikuta for reading drafts and suggesting improvements.

    The New Clang _ExtInt Feature Provides Exact Bitwidth Integer Types

    Author: Erich Keane, Compiler Frontend Engineer, Intel Corporation

    Earlier this month I finally committed a patch to implement the extended-integer type class, _ExtInt after nearly two and a half years of design and implementation. These types allow developers to use custom width integers, such as a 13-bit signed integer. This patch is currently designed to track N2472, a proposal being actively considered by the ISO WG14 C Language Committee. We feel that these types are going to be extremely useful to many downstream users of Clang, and provides a language interface for LLVM's extremely powerful integer type class.


    LLVM-IR has the ability to represent integers with a bitwidth from 1 all the way to 16,777,215((1<<24)-1), however the C language is limited to just a few power-of-two sizes. Historically, these types have been sufficient for nearly all programming architectures, since power-of-two representation of integers is convenient and practical.

    Recently, Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) tooling, called High Level Synthesis Compilers (HLS), has become practical and powerful enough to use a general purpose programming language for their generation. These tools take C or C++ code and produce a transistor layout to be used by the FPGA. However, once programmers gained experience in these tools, it was discovered that the standard C integer types are incredibly wasteful for two main reasons.

    First, a vast majority of the time programmers are not using the full width of their integer types. It is rare for someone to use all 16, 32, or 64 bits of their integer representation. On traditional CPUs this isn't much of a problem as the hardware is already in place, so having bits never set comes at zero cost. On the other hand, on FPGAs logic gates are an incredibly valuable resource, and HLS compilers should not be required to waste bits on large power of two integers when they only need a small subset of that! While the optimizer passes are capable of removing some of these widths, a vast majority of this hardware needs to be emitted.

    Second, the C language requires that integers smaller than int are promoted to operations on the 'int' type. This further complicates hardware generation, as promotions to int are expensive and tend to stick with the operation for an entire statement at a time. These promotions typically have semantic meaning, so simply omitting them isn't possible without changing the meaning of the source code. Even worse, the proliferation of auto has resulted in user code results in the larger integer size being quite viral throughout a program.

    The result is massively larger FPGA/HLS programs than the programmer needed, and likely much larger than they intended. Worse, there was no way for the programmer express their intent in the cases where they do not need the full width of a standard integer type.

    Using the _ExtInt Language Feature

    The patch as accepted and committed into LLVM solves most of the above problems by providing the _ExtInt class of types. These types translate directly into the corresponding LLVM-IR integer types. The _ExtInt keyword is a type-specifier (like int) that accepts a required integral constant expression parameter representing the number of bits to be used. More succinctly: _ExtInt(7) is a signed integer type using 7 bits. Because it is a type-specifier, it can also be combined with signed and unsigned to change the signedness (and overflow behavior!) of the values. So "unsigned _ExtInt(9) foo;" declares a variable foo that is an unsigned integer type taking up 9 bits and represented as an i9 in LLVM-IR.

    The _ExtInt types as implemented do not participate in any implicit conversions or integer promotions, so all math done on them happens at the appropriate bit-width. The WG14 paper proposes integer promotion to the largest of the types (that is, adding an _ExtInt(5) and an _ExtInt(6) would result in an _ExtInt(6)), however the implementation does not permit that and _ExtInt(5) + _ExtInt(6) would result in a compiler error. This was done so that in the event that WG14 changes the design of the paper, we will be able to implement it without breaking existing programs. In the meantime, this can be worked around with explicit casts: (_ExtInt(6))AnExtInt5 + AnExtInt6 or static_cast<ExtInt(6)>(AnExtInt5) + AnExtInt6.

    Additionally, for C++, clang supports making the bitwidth parameter a dependent expression, so that the following is legal:
    template<size_t WidthA, size_t WidthB>
      _ExtInt(WidthA + WidthB) lossless_mul(_ExtInt(WidthA) a, _ExtInt(WidthB) b) {
      return static_cast<
    _ExtInt(WidthA + WidthB)>(a) 
           * static_cast<_ExtInt(WidthA + WidthB)>(b);

    We anticipate that this ability and these types will result in some extremely useful pieces of code, including novel uses of 256 bit, 512 bit, or larger integers, plus uses of 8 and 16 bit integers for those who can't afford promotions. For example, one can now trivially implement an extended integer type struct that does all operations provably losslessly, that is, adding two 6 bit values would result in a 7 bit value.

    In order to be consistent with the C Language, expressions that include a standard type will still follow integral promotion and conversion rules. All types smaller than int will be promoted, and the operation will then happen at the largest type.  This can be surprising in the case where you add a short and an _ExtInt(15), where the result will be int. However, this ends up being the most consistent with the C language specification.

    Additionally, when it comes to conversions, these types 'lose' to the C standard types of the same size or greater. So, an int added to a _ExtInt(32) will result in an int. However, an int and a _ExtInt(33)will be the latter. This is necessary to preserve C integer semantics.


    As mentioned earlier, this feature has been a long time coming! In fact, this is likely the fourth implementation that was done along the way in order to get to this point. Additionally, this is far from over, we very much hope that upon acceptance of this by the WG14 Standards Committee that additional extensions and features will become available.

    I was approached to implement this feature in the Fall of 2017 by my company's FPGA group, which had the problems mentioned above. They had attempted a solution that used some clever parsing to make these look like templates, and implemented them extensively throughout the compiler. As I was concerned about the flexibility and usability of these types in the type and template system, we opted to implement these as a type-attribute under the controversially named Arbitrary Precision Int (spelled __ap_int). This spelling was heavily influenced by the vector-types implementations in GCC and Clang.

    We then were able to wrap a set of typedefs (or dependent __ap_int types) in a structure that provided exactly the C and C++ interface we wished to expose. As this was a then proprietary implementation, it was kept in our downstream implementation, where it received extensive testing and usage.

    Roughly a year later (and a little more than year ago from today!) I was authorized to contribute our implementation to the open source LLVM community! I decided to significantly refactor the implementation in order to better fit into the Clang type system, and uploaded it for review.This (now third!) implementation of this feature was proposed via RFC and code review at the same time.

    While the usefulness was immediately acknowledged, it was rejected by the Clang code owner for two reasons: First the spelling was considered unpalatable, and Second it was a pure extension without standardization. This began the nearly year-long effort to come up with a standards proposal that would better define and describe the feature as well as come up with a spelling that was more in line with the standard language.

    Thanks to the invaluable feedback and input from Richard Smith, my coworkers Melanie Blower, Tommy Hoffner, and myself were able to propose the spelling _ExtInt for standardization. Additionally, the feature again re-implemented at the beginning of this year and eventually accepted and committed!

    The standardization paper (N2472) was presented at this Spring's WG14 ISO C Language Committee Meeting where it received near unanimous support. We expect to have an updated version of the paper with wording ready for the next WG14 meeting, where we hope it will receive sufficient support to be accepted into the language.

    Future Extensions

    While the feautre as committed in Clang is incredibly useful, it can be taken further. There are a handful of future extensions that we wish to implement once guidance from WG14 has been given on their direction and implementation.

    First, we believe the special integer promotion/conversion rules, which omit automatic promotion to  int and instead provide operations at the largest type are both incredibly useful and powerful. While we have received positive encouragement from WG14, we hope that the wording paper we provide will both clarify the mechanism and definition in a way that supports all common uses.

    Secondly, we would like to choose a printf/scanf specifier that permits specifying the type for the C language. This was the topic of the WG14 discussion, and also received strong encouragement. We intend to come up with a good representation, then implement this in major implementations.

    Finally, numerous people have suggested implementing a way of spelling literals of this type. This is important for two reasons: First, it allows using literals without casts in expressions in a way that doesn't run afoul of promotion rules. Second, it provides a way of spelling integer literals larger than UINTMAX_MAX, which can be useful for initializing the larger versions of these types. While the spelling is undecided, we intend something like: 1234X would result in an integer literal with the value 1234 represented in an _ExtInt(11), which is the smallest type capable of storing this value.

    However, without the integer promotion/conversion rules above, this feature isn't nearly as useful. Additionally, we'd like to be consistent with whatever the C language committee chooses. As soon as we receive positive guidance on the spelling and syntax of this type, we look forward to providing an implementation.


    In closing, we encourage you to try using this and provide feedback to both myself, my proposal co-authors, and the C committee itself! We feel this is a really useful feature and would love to get as much user experience as possible. Feel free to contact myself and my co-authors with any questions or concerns!

    -Erich Keane, Intel Corporation

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